
American Horror Story: Dark Side of Glee. Written and Directed by Ryan Murphy

I literally had the same thought. It’s 40% “mayyybe they were 17 and 364 days old and it’s a technicality, because I can get that with all those fans at all those shows...” and 60%, “holy God, Quagmire, you know that’s not the case, he wouldn’t be arrested, there wouldn’t be IMAGES ON HIS COMPUTER, this is actually

What always stays with me when I read these sorts of stories is, first, that you really never know who will turn out to harbor these proclivities; and second, given how easy it is to avoid detection (via any one of a number means you can pretty much just pick up from Lifehacker’s guides to VPNs, private browsing,

I have never been more excited for a new year in my life.

I remember rumors about his behavior not being great, but I can’t remember if it was creepy or if it was just non-specific assholery. Of all the cast, he’s definitely the one that surprises me least.

I just thought about how many teens and preteens were into Glee when it was big, and how the actors from the show did a couple in-character concert tours, and how easy it would be for a performer who was in that situation and had a taste for child porn and no morals whatsoever to invite a 13-year-old groupie backstage

“does a shooting.”

that makes “shooting” sound like an embarrassing fart.

A gunman shot people. Nobody fucking “did a shooting.”

You know I remember a time when Congress actually worked with the White House and compromised, no matter who held the majority. It’s these fuckwit tea partiers who think burning down the country rather than compromising is good governing.

“GOP: Guaranteeing Only the Patriarchy has access to medical care.”

OMG this quote from the NPR pre-vote story: “Individuals who speak out for the life of children shouldn’t suddenly be silenced by being screamed down because an insane person does a shooting in a clinic,” said Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma on the floor yesterday.

True, but it also means that we often have divided government with the legislative doing its utmost to block the executive’s proposals. It pretty much stops all sorts of ideas, good and bad, from becoming reality.

Only one year? Otherwise, fine idea!

And senators were reminded that the president would veto the repeal bill anyway, meaning Republicans could vote on the measure without having to deal with the political risks of actually making major changes to existing law

I vote that anyone who votes to repeal the ACA gets to live one year without health insurance - all costs out of pocket, for them and their families. Let’s see how they like that.

I only just realised now that republican’s have a majority in both houses... It’s truly lucky that you guys don’t operate like Canada/Australia/NZ; because that would mean you don’t have a president to veto all that bullshit that comes up.

Fiscal conservatives wasting money on political theater. Oh.

IIRC the article went on to say that the Republicans had to put in some sort of grace period for repealing Medicaid expansion until whoever was in the White House in 2017 could come up with an alternative to ACA.

GOP: Guaranteeing Only the Patriarchy has access to medical care.

Hey everyone is distracted by yet another mass shooting, let’s defund PP!
