
That’s about the size of it. Abortions won’t stop just because clinics close. They will just become incredibly unsafe, and women will die or be maimed as they attempt to terminate these unwanted pregnancies. The well-to-do will always be able to get their D&Cs, but the poor and desperate are the ones who will suffer.

They do, they want women to suffer, by any means necessary.

If only. (The head eating part).

I just choked on my coffee. I hope you are pleased inside.

You see? The free market has stepped up to fill the gravbbbblegar vbvvvvvvvvvbrraaaaaaaaaallllllllll

No, I want abortions to be treated with reason and safety. ;)

You’d be allowed to have them at Starbucks?

And again, if you want to help keep abortion safe and legal in Texas:

Imagine if Texas treated abortions the same as firearms.

He and Bowie were very close, to the extent that Lennon has a co-writer credit on “Fame,” but even during Lennon’s “Lost Weekend” period I don’t think he ever slept with Bowie.

If someone as famous as John Fucking Lennon can’t find an attractive man to sleep with, what hope is there for the rest of us?

He showed his ass admitting that the Benghazi committee is just a partisan attack on Clinton, which made his narrow “crazy, but not THAT crazy” coalition too narrow to win.

Yes, like tea party level crazy.

Your casual dropping of history knowledge makes me love you.

The GOP is fracturing! We’re seeing a major party break apart in our time - this hasn’t really happened since the Republicans displaced the Whigs, has it?

Washington DC is a city of and for babies.

This is actually kind terrifying?