
St. Vincent just doing the CLASSIC rock star move of dating a younger model. Her love will burn white hot and fade. May Cara be the first of many, gods willing, right up to her dotage.

Agreed! I saw her live with David Byrne, and it was nothing short of perfect.

I could respect that position if it didn’t come with a giant asterisk attached. They only care about life when it’s the life of a fetus. Republicans endlessly advocate for the following:

Wasn’t she dating Carrie Brownstein?

I think she’s had more girlfriends this year than pairs of socks I own. I won’t be shocked if this doesn’t work out.

But but but Obama and the deficit and somesuch nonsense! Republicans are fiscally conservative, that’s why they don’t want to feed babies once they are outside the womb! Get to work, infants! No one should have to support you simply because your baby legs aren’t strong enough to do so!

Oh Congresswoman Blackburn. That woman is constantly spewing some crazy crap. I remember her arguing against the ACA, saying “Not everyone wants a Waterford crystal health plan. Some people want a solo cup health plan and that is their right.” Um, not if taxpayers end up paying for their solo cup care because their

I would like to create a subcommittee on this whole ‘earth is round’ issue. Now, I know what you’re going to say, “Daisy! We know the earth is round ‘cause science!” My response to you will be, “But do we really know? We don’t know that we know until we talk about what we do and don’t know for years on end.”


“No issue is more deserving of our undivided attention than protecting the dignity of human life,”

I hate congress. Not all the individuals because hate is wrong. But congress as an entity is just awful and those morons who occupy those positions are a discredit to regular folk. And let’s be honest, most of them are college educated very rich white people. I love you white people, I really do, but dammit, ya’ll

Instead of putting the money towards legitimate women’s healthcare needs. I’m so sick of the fucking republicans. They don’t want to fund women’s healthcare, but they’ll spend millions investigating legitimate medical organizations that provide it.

I am upset that my response to this was, “holy shit gun violence actually got a committee??"

so all of those investigations on the state level were just...practice runs?

Yaaaawn. Well, maybe it’ll keep ‘em busy for awhile.

Yes, that’s the fiscally responsible thing to do. Waste millions of dollars investigating fraudulent claims against a legitimate medical organization.

Nobody hates Twilight more than the stars of Twilight.

The “more OCD” is just so fucking eyeroll-worthy. He’s neurotic, so that makes him adorable! Well, you’re too late on that one, Meyer. That’s been Woody Allen’s schtick for decades.