
We have a publicly funded healthcare system that pays for abortions.

Because hate speech kills people, that’s why.

Yeah, I was raised evangelical, and I was taught that the pope was up there with the anti-christ, because he purported to speak for God, when true believers could speak to God directly. We were supposed to pity Catholics the same way we pitied Jews, and try and bring them into the fold. It was...very confusing.

We don’t do the whole fundie Christian thing very well down here. Nobody in the government or anywhere else wanted him here so he was told he wasn’t allowed into Australia and his visa was denied.

The crazy thing was that they bought the property—which contained a 12,000-square-foot house—for $13 million...and then demolished the house.

Hold on - 16,500 square feet?!? My sister-in-law’s house is about 6,000 (with an open floor plan) and every time I’m there I think of what a massive waste of energy it is to heat and cool all that space. I can’t even fathom 16,500.

I have a friend who has a 16,500-square-foot house with nearly 500 interior and exterior lights. His monthly electric bill is usually between $8,000 and $10,000. He is not interested in decreasing his usage or increasing the energy efficiency of his system because, in his words, “I can pay for it.”

I’m sure that taking Navy showers makes you feel like you are doing something, but you’re just being silly.

In 2010, agricultural irrigation in the state of California used between 3 million and 4.6 million gallons of water PER DAY. [source]

Change the fines to be multiplicative instead of additive when they go over the limit. Then instead of the 90 grand this shitbag doesn’t give a fuck about, he might be paying like 9 million+ for his water bill. I bet that gets their fucking attention.

Morifarty’s ringtone already explained most of this, so I’ll just add the fun fact that at least in Tudor England, Catholicism was the FUN Christianity. Lots of parties, and feast days, and dancing, and beautiful things in churches like stained glass windows. It was Party Times.

Eh. Once again, drop in the fucking bucket compared to inappropriate agriculture and wasteful industries.

A lot of Christian sects like born again and fundamentalists and evangelical and all that think that Catholics aren’t Christian and are evil due to the belief in transubstantiation (I HAVE NO IDEA IF I SPELT THAT RIGHT) Which is basically communion - blood and body of Christ.

If you reall yet Joan Rivers I am SO JEALOUS. I would walk riiiight past the pope for that. Ok, I’d walk right past the pope in general.

First of all, this woman doesn’t understand her own damn religion, because by their own standards, the Pope is going straight to hell for being and idolater, so.

And here I am losing my much-needed and very cherished eyesight to a degenerative condition. Fuck the lunatics that people this mudball of a planet. I swear...just burn and salt the whole thing already. ヽ( ಠ_ಠ)ノ

It’s interesting to me that no one in these threads got curious and did any reading on this. Medicating these people just doesn’t seem to do anything for them. It’s funny how body dysmorphia like this has people suggesting she needs medications when sufferers of BIID seem to be effectively cured by just having their

In 2006, Shuping claims she found a sympathetic psychologist who agreed to pour drain cleaner into her eyes (the two first met for a few weeks to make sure Shuping was ready). A FEW WEEKS.

Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.

What type of psychologist does that?! Holy shit.