
And here's to what a difference 48 little hours can make, tone-of-Amanda-Bynes-coverage-wise.

So, you wouldn't call this particular display of mental illness "Bynesian"?

Great. Another chance for a racist ole white person to be an authority over young African Americans. Maybe they should reverse the roles, and the boys can mentor her on being a decent human being.

To all young black boys being mentored by Paula Deen: Call her on her shit! Loudly and often! Put her through hell! (PS: Don't take any cooking advice from her, either. She can't cook.)

And have you seen Steve Harvey's mentorship program? It's all about teaching sons of single moms "what it means to be a man." Values like hard work and courage and stuff. Nothing a kid might get from being raised by a single mom. And obviously nothing any girls might find of value. They can be lazy chickenshits their

"I have 100 Black Friends now!!!"

can't I just get nfl player to punch the cancer out of my boobs?

That's what I've been thinking. So do we hate the new editor in chief now, or...? Cause Lindy is gone now, and I am not ok. And everyone else is leaving, too. If Erin leaves AGAIN, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

Jezebel's masthead should include a trigger warning for people with abandonment issues.

Callie....Callie...Callie not you... :(((( sobing......... best of luck to you.

Are all my favorite Jezzie writers going to Vice? do I just have to read Vice now?

Maybe Jezebel would stop losing its writers to Vice if Nick Denton stopped paying his writers with tacos?


If you guys keep doing this I might have to start reading Vice, and I really don't want to do that.

WHY IS EVERYONE LEAVING?!!?! I hate this. I fear change.

Yep! Franchesca and I are in touch.

I am so upset.