The absolute worst is the "suddenly running toward the camera" sequences from the Uncharted series. Ugh.
The absolute worst is the "suddenly running toward the camera" sequences from the Uncharted series. Ugh.
I forgot about those. Kotaku's review scores are much more subjective based than objective, which is kind of refreshing, since reviews are subjective anyway. Reviews can only be the opinion of one person, but when you start trying to score games with one number that applies to everyone...that's more of what I consider…
Of course not. Kids will always ask their parents for a certain game based upon what their friends are playing. I did the same thing when I was a kid. My dad never read reviews before he bought me a game. I just asked him for it.
I think what Kotaku staff truly desire is for readers to make up their own damn minds about a video game based upon written reviews, not review scores. Not every game is made for everyone, and a giving a game a review score is an oversimplification of what it means to play a really good game.
How does Kotaku's Yes/No binary system fit in with the Metacritic average? Similarly, "two thumbs up."
When are video game trailers going to show actual game play?
Wow. Such kerning. Many space. Wow.
Everyone should visit Tested regularly. It's a highly underrated site.
I've played through FFVII a few times, and I never remember Cloud crying. Where did this meme come from?
I'm pretty good with a soldering iron, but I've never done surface mount stuff. Can anyone attest to the difficulty? Can you do it with a regular soldering iron with a fine tip?
I thought about doing this for my Dreamcast but the extra hardware is expensive, more expensive than the Dreamcast system plus controllers. The PS2 has a great component output and most of the Dreamcast games I'd want to play are also on that system.
You also have to remember, only the first run Gamecubes were component compatible. Even if you hack together a component cable with the right connector it won't work on most Gamecube models.
You guys are pitiful. If the Democrats put forward "tax reform" that eliminated credits for car manufacturers who made SUVs, no one would bat an eyelash. Put the word "Republican" in your headline and all the sudden people get riled up, even though hatred of violent videogames is one of the most bi-partisan talking…
Three words: Jet Ski Level.
I wish this was on Vita!
I was in Tokyo and the surrounding area for about 10 days last year and I don't really understand these complaints. My only complaint — and it's not really a complaint — is how nicely Japanese people dress. They put a huge emphasis on dressing nicely - men in suits, women in dresses. I felt like I was the Japanese…