Isn’t all computer generated art “pixel art?”
Isn’t all computer generated art “pixel art?”
Has there been any actual real-world violence against anyone either pro or anti-gamergate? Has anyone had a brick through their window, cars keyed, tires slashed, been mugged on the way home from work? I'm not trying to take away from the seriousness of death threats, (hell, I wouldn't want them, for sure) but for a…
Can we agree that the beards don't look particularly good in this game? They kind of just sit on top of the face.
"Tomorrow's Tipper Gore will make an inexplicably popular YouTube video." Umm, it's the Kotaku crowd saying games are overtly violent and sexist, the same things Tipper Gore said about rock music. You guys ARE Tipper Gore.
In the meantime, there's your average gamer, like myself, who just wants to read cool video game news. Instead, sites like Kotaku constantly feed the anti-feminist beast just to get more clicks. Controversy = page views, unfortunately. There's no excuse for threats of violence, but if you keep kicking the hornet's…
Wouldn't the obvious conclusion be to remove violence entirely? Does that not seem a little silly?
I've owned, at launch, PSX, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, XBOX 360...didn't buy a PS3 until the library caught up in the late '00s. Bought a PS4 at launch because I knew Sony and its 1st party studios would continue the tradition. I have not bought an XBox One yet and I'm not sure I will until it gets games worth playing.
I've been to both countries, and I never heard a Japanese person say anything negative about Koreans. On the other hand, Koreans are so quick to tell you how bad that Japanese have treated them in the past.
The stats for false rape accusations are the same as for crimes across the board. That doesn't mean that all accusations are true, so we have to treat the accused fairly, regardless of how we feel about the crime.
So he should apologize for what exactly? Look, human relationships are extremely complex, especially when it comes to hook-up culture. Consent is often implied, and even then, everyone reads situations differently. We live in a world where romance can and should happen spontaneously — that's part of the magic behind…
I tend to agree with you. The only boss battle from the last several years that I've actually enjoyed was the Balor from Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Unfortunately, 99% of boss battles are "find the pattern, dodge, strike, repeat."
This video should be titled, "Young Phillip Seymour Hoffman judges your attention span."
I did the opposite; I lived with my parents throughout all four years of college and now I own my own home with zero student loans. I've got a good job, but I'm not exactly sure how anyone gets employment at a real grown-up job anymore. It's like we're all relegated to make $30K/yr for the rest of our lives until some…
2D Metroid.
"Birthday Suit Samus." I LOL'd.
If the union does not represent you, then leave the union. Otherwise you're getting all the benefit of being in a union without any of the, you know, unity with your fellow musicians.
No Final Fantasy or Metal Gear?
There's a fascination with this story because it tends to reinforce the idea many women have that all men are like this – that we're just suppressing these emotions.
I work at a college, and let me tell you, college kids aren't this fashionable. It's mostly sweatpants, yoga pants, hoodies, and hair unkempt or up in a bun. They literally do not care.