Let us not forget the hypocrisy throughout the whole thing as well. After like 1000 articles about how harmful it is to treat women, even fictional ones, like sex objects Jezebel then runs this... (NSFW) http://jezebel.com/disney-dudes-d…
Let us not forget the hypocrisy throughout the whole thing as well. After like 1000 articles about how harmful it is to treat women, even fictional ones, like sex objects Jezebel then runs this... (NSFW) http://jezebel.com/disney-dudes-d…
Well someone needs a hug.
Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.
Part of diversity is listening to viewpoints other than your own. One of the big points I have taken from #GamerGate is that many gamers are feeling marginalized because our viewpoints aren't "cool." If I dare to say that I care about good games with good story and can't care less if they feature women/gays/other…
My solution is quite clearly in the post: "If she really does investigative journalism she should go into a debate with both supporters and critics of her vids but she wont. She should look at both sides of the glass but she doesnt."
I disagree with her vehemently, because she doesn't understand narrative, and she's demonstrated that many times, and many of the "tropes" she uses are far more multi-faceted than she even begins to admit to (The Damsel in Distress being the big one), and I feel she should be ignored because she's a terrible academic.…
The problem? Shes 'discussing' a very touchy subject. If you dont agree with her youre automatically a sexist and a bigot. Thats my issue. She doesnt debate anything, she shoves blame onto something, rants about how stupid it is and how bad women have it and then thats that. She isnt open for discussion, her…
So what do they want? Both genders receive violence in video games. It's not exclusive to any gender.
Not a fan of Sarkeesian. I just take issue with the fact that she entered this with an axe to grind and thus is only going to pick evidence that supports her agenda. I think it gets in the way of a meaningful dialogue, after all, it's important to acknowledge when things are being done right as well as wrong, and that…
Sounds like a lot of people bought PS4's just because it was the 'cool thing to do'.
Schools need to teach problem solving — not just "solve for x" in math, but real problem solving: Here's something that doesn't work, what do you do?
People who call it "making love" really grind my gears...
The second one was great.
Not every job deserves a living wage.
Seriously, just about anyone can slap together burgers at a Burger King. It's not exactly a position that needs any specialized skills. Nor is it a position anyone intends to make a career out of. You do it for a while until you find something better. If that example sounds…
I've heard those numbers and I'm not denying them, but an innocent person is an innocent person even if it's only 2-8%.
Feminists won't be satisfied until college students routinely exchange waivers before making out.
This statement makes absolutely no sense.
Actually, I got the (terrifying) impression that people are trying to make the case that awkward making-out can be considered rape if one of the participants wasn't really into it.
Because Third Wave Feminism has completely destroyed the definition of rape. Had sex that you regret? Thats Rape. Had sex but afraid someone would judge you for it? Rape. Don't like someone and want to destroy their life? Rape. Look at a woman wrong? Rape. Exist as a male? Rape.
This also makes it a thousand times…
You must have pretty exciting sex.