
This is why trump still has supporters, not because they are fine with the shit he does but because they watch fox and never hear one single word about all the shit he does.

If Fox News doesn’t report it, there’s a good chunk that won’t even know about it. I had to show my mom Melania’s Playboy pics recently because she’d never heard of them and didn’t believe me.

Actually half his supporters wouldn’t even know about it since Fox would give it maybe 10 seconds of coverage before “Let’s move on to this latest news about Hillary’s emails”.

If he says it’s Trump’s abortion out loud, he makes himself and Stormy open to the kind of liable that he is currently raining down on Trump.

You know what’s more upsetting than her secret love for Trump? That she’s backpedadling. Fucking own your shit, people. Also, did y’all catch Kanye’s fun little Tweet yesterday about mental slavery? And all the MAGA idiots who were eating it up? Ugh.

I feel like so many people who supported Trump imposed their own values and beliefs on him. They don’t see the actual man just their idealized version of him. It sounds Roseanne is the same way.

You know, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would agree more with Tom Arnold than Roseanne. I probably would have been somewhat incredulous.

But also he’s totally homophobic.

This is why this is why I absolutely refuse to watch her stupid show. I will not support this wack-a-doo Trump supporter. It’s also serious bullshit that she put some little Black girl in the show to act as a buffer against the obvious fact that Trump supporters are racist. She’s disgusting and she can go choke for

Saying you’re not homophobic or even genuinely not being homophobic doesn’t equal supporting gay rights. Plenty of people who “don’t have a problem with gay people” think same sex couples should be satisfied with civil unions and there’s nothing wrong with a bakery refusing to make them a cake.

He used to work for Rahm Emanuel so this is also political for him. And Rahm obviously taught him how to fight dirty (if only he would teach the rest of the fucking democratic party the same thing, we’d be all good.)

He comes across as a little oily, a little anxious to score some of that sweet settlement money regardless of his client, a little underhanded, a bit of a bully, a bit disinginuous, etc.

Trump irl

Gah! I see all three! AT THE SAME TIME!!

I keep getting a John Travolta vibe from him.

Really? I see Christian Slater. Something about the eyes, I think.

Michael Avenatti is fast becoming my favorite lawyer ever. All he does all day is go on the cable shows Trump watches and troll the shit out of him on an hourly basis. Someday, in the brand new Resistance Plaza in D.C. (after the coming purge), Avenatti will get his own memorial statue. 

The brilliance of this move is just awe-inspiring.

Fun facts for y’all: Black women have the highest labor force participation rate among women (62.7% vs 57.2% of white women) and are the only group of women with a higher labor force participation rate than their male counterparts. Black women who worked full-time, year-round had median annual earnings that were 65

Thanks for this. My grandmother was a domestic worker. Descended from house negros working in the kitchen. Family goes back to the Jefferson plantation in the 1790s.