
Speaking of iZombie, I would have preferred a cross-over episode that included some of the VM cast. That would have been so cool.

Love it. I’m there!

Totally agree!

Did you read the post? Girls already DO read plenty of books with male protagonists. Sheesh.

A coworker said “the looters are shooting at firemen.” Is that true? I haven’t seen that story anywhere. Please provide a link, if you have one.

Are the right wing preppers freaking out? This is what they were waiting for under Obama, right?

This is such a good post. Thanks for the detailed explanation.

This is an interehrsting perspective I had not considered. Taking it further, they might feel inclined to “toughen up” The Doctor if they cast a woman.

It’s his job--he’s paid to post this nonsense.

George’s Twitter is so great. Smart and funny observations every day.

Oh god. The wrong tooth??

this made me lol. But you might be on to something...

Can you share which one? I think need a prepper book too.

Is season 2 on Hulu? If so, I might subscribe esp. since The Handmaid’s Tale is coming soon.

I’m American and we rewatch this Christmas episode every Christmas. ❤️ So many great characters in Gavin and Stacy!

Ugh, I see that now, thanks. My convo with him is done.

I understand your point but these are really young children--i would prefer them not running willy nilly when a shooter comes because it may put them in the line of danger. They don’t have the capacity to make good decisions under pressure. Plus, it’s school designed to have limited access in, but that also means

good. fuck them for taking advantage of dumbasses with their “Dems will take your guns!! nonsense. I can’t believe anyone falls for that anymore.

how old is your child?? My son (in first grade) has done drills where they all get in the bathroom and hide in the dark) but he didn’t mention the run, hide, fight thing. Holy shit what have we done to our kids??

Yes! This is what I’ve been thinking too. Cooperation gets them what?? I’d like all the legit news sources to say fuck it and report factual stories about the bullshit Trump and team are pulling. Everyday and all day.