
Lol ‘I don’t understand these people’ — you mean, people experience temperatures differently and some people run cold? Not sure how you’re traipsing around NYC in the winter in a blazer over a sweater. As a cold-blooded reptile, a blazer over a sweater is my SUMMER choice of wear to combat AC. Like hell I’ll be

Stuffing is made with wheat bread, dressing is made with cornbread. The two terms are not interchangeable, and describe two different dishes. 

I hope that who ever called it “girly” is kicking themselves in the ass right now.

It’s too early for me to cry at my office. 

I can’t wait to cry in front of my dog watching this.

She didn’t turn out fine. She’s still under her father’s conservatorship, and she dealt with a very public meltdown. 

They see rallying the base as their only real hope in the next election. There is no grand strategy beyond that.

I’ve pondered this question myself heavily the last few days. The only answer I can come up with is that they desperately need Trump to be found innocent, or have a judge give him that blank check to hold back all the evidence and railroad any investigations into oblivion.

He’s a slimeball, but he out plays them at their own game. He’s the exact kind of slimeball you want on your team.

They can hate him being a media whore all they want. They can hate his talk about running for President all they want (personally I think he’s only saying it to get under Trump’s increasingly orange and/or thin skin.) But the man is a damn good lawyer. I’d be scared to be on the other side of the courtroom from him.

overweight people aren’t necessarily any more unhealthy than people who weigh less.”
No, that’s not what the article was saying at all. The only comparison I could find in that article said that there is more that goes into certain aspects of health besides weight - nothing at all to suggest that all else being equal,

The article doesn’t pretend that being overweight is always perfectly healthy (although they’re not incorrect that for up to 1/3 of overweight and obese people don’t have any metabolic disorders - that’s a pretty big slice of healthy people who are also fat).  What it does say is that being overweight is something we

If you want some anecdotal evidence - both me and my parents live in Collin County - McKinney and Plano respectively (upper/middle class suburbs of Dallas often described as a Republican stronghold), and we’ve seen at least one Beto for Senate yard signs in my neighborhood and at least 3 my parent’s.

I’m actually

Is Beto a Mexican nickname? **insert confused face gif**

I want to see her working for Mueller

Also I highly doubt you were "overjoyed" when she won if this is all it takes for you to be ready to cast a vote for someone that is her polar opposite. Suuuuure, honey. I definitely believe you. 

I’m going with the post-plastic surgery recovery period theory.

She was having a cosmetic procedure, right?

Well, the good news that most people in SC don’t know who Thomas Ravenel is. And the people who do fall into a Venn diagram of loving cardio. And probably he was their coke dealer