
Here we go again with the false equivalencies. The GOP controls everything and there’s no one more shallow, vapid or childish than that party.

Stop trying to create equivalencies where they don’t exist! The dems have some crappy politicians, nowhere near on the level of the current GOP.

IN my dreams, Tiffany is working with Mueller and wearing wires at family reunions

There’s some truth to this, but he’s always been an unrepentant racist.

I *wish* I knew any Trump voters who regretted their decision. Arizona, you’re killin’ me!

God, that made my heart hurt.

allow me...

EVERYONE in the family is Fredo.

This thread turned into a clinic on how to concern troll, downright impressive.

To your specific concern... None. And all of them. That’s up to them now.

The problem is going to be when other students ask for a consequence-free day off to go to the local NRA rally, or anti-abortion march, or pro-abortion march, or Save the Elephants protest, or anti-global warming carnival. Then, the school is going to be in the position of picking and choosing what political

Me too!! Not the older millenial thing (I was out of college by Columbine), but I think this is amazing. The hateful, ancient fucks running/ruining this place will never change. We need young, invigorated people to slowly but surely replace them.

A. You don’t know what a “focus group” is.

Because the best way to get “individual attention” is to march in a group of thousands.

Like that person has had an ever original thought of their own.

These kids have as much to teach the complacent and comfortable democratic base as the republican base should be in fear of their ideology being made redundant.

If you are a teacher and you are giving kids a 0 for protesting instead of going to class, you shouldn’t be teaching children at all. You should be just as concerned about their safety as they are.

Pretty straightforward... hundreds of thousands (likely millions) of teenagers are speaking... and they are telling legislators to stop caving to the gun lobby, protect kids by passing stronger gun control laws. How are you missing this, do you not have eyes? Or are you just being willfully ignorant(trolling)?

You do not know what a focus group is.

I do not understand this. You can teach your kids to respect the office of the Presidency AND that it’s their duty as a citizen not to vote for fucking racist dotards. You can teach them dissent can be patriotic. I mean my parents thoughts about Ronald Reagan were crystal clear. They were not fans. And yet I still had

I think this show soft-jumped the shark a little bit once it started to flanderize the brain consumption. In season 1, it used to be that Liv would gain skills, maybe sexual orientation, maybe a general worldview. Now she basically turns into a clone of the deceased person, to the point that you wonder if she even