
Lindsey Graham just called for a Congressional investigation into Russia and our election today.

I’ll openly admit, I don’t know much about governmental or legal processes. Is Admiral Rogers admitting this a potential precursor to a direct challenge to Trump’s legitimacy? Can anything be done about this? Either way, Admiral Rogers is my hero of the day.

I think for the positions that require Senate confirmation, there will be pushback from Republicans. Already Rand Paul and John McCain are telling him not to even bother putting Giuliani up for a cabinet position like he wants to.

Just yesterday I was fantasizing about Germany invading. How lovely that it should have come to this because so many people treated this whole thing like a joke.

Here’s some more info and context for the tweet:

“Sanity is a valuable possession; I hoard it the way people once hoarded money. I save it, so I will have enough, when the time comes.”

Pence couldn’t get his paperwork together in a timely manner like a lazy high schooler. Paperwork that is helping him prepare for the White House.

Because he is a straight (maybe bi? who knows?) white male, he is exactly the type of ally that we need more of.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Jezebel writers criticizing someone who did nothing wrong? Things really are starting to get back to normal around here.

I dunno I appreciated it. At least he is standing up and saying SOMETHING in light of this tragedy which is more than I can say for some of my friends.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

What’s the over/under on days from inauguration when Trump gets completely fed up with the whole bothersome thing and resigns, citing personal ‘health’ reasons that he won’t disclose? I think he’ll want to do at least one State of the Union speech just to soak in all the pagentry, then he’s done soon after.

Yep. I’ve had a bunch of people try to tell me how Trump is going to be good for LGBT, that he supports us. And I’ve said the exact same thing as is happening.

I think the usual “it’s just a candidate” thinking goes out the window with Trump. He is a cult of personality and what he advocates goes not only beyond the standard “compassionate conservative” nonsense and into straight-up bigotry.

This is a turning point for the culture of our country and the future of our society.

I have thought of that. I hope the media honchos are talking about ways they can work together against that — because it is going to fucking happen

“The best we can hope for is that he becomes a political puppet for the Republican Party.”

Hitler did some good stuff too, you know. For example, he killed Hitler.

Maybe Trump won’t be able to dodge treason charges.