
That’s the spirit! Give up in advance!

I doubt Kate McKinnon had any say about that decision. Hell, I doubt most of the cast/crew had any say in that. Lay it squarely at the feet of NBC and Lorne.

No, it isn’t. Kids are smarter than you obviously give them credit for. They need to understand how this stuff works. Now more than ever. Don’t tell me to let them “be kids” or that they are too young to know. When you were 5, watching G.I. Joe, “Knowing is half the battle.” We were encouraged to LEARN. It’s never

In a preschool, that makes more sense. My kid is in elementary school, which may also be the case for the kid upthread.

Sure, hide them under a rock until they’re 18.

Randomly bolded words....damn you are serious about this.

Yes, absolutely. I will welcome them and help to keep them safe.

Sooo, you’re teaching your daughter to hate other people that she doesn’t know, based on one characteristic. That sounds familiar ...

Hello, welcome to Lifehacker. We publish guidance on lots of things that you can probably figure out how to do on your own. For example, our guide to basic personal hygiene was wildly popular.

That’s a great example of how kids overhear things and draw their own conclusion. I hope the kid (and their parents) are doing okay.

Congratulations on being part of the problem and not the solution.

You forgot the sit smugly & wait as the right get’s everything they asked for & actually realize how much they have screwed themselves over. Oh no food & petrol prices go up when you remove the source of cheap labor harvesting it & piss off the people that own the oil. Oh no your little rural town you were so

Really? They dealt with it? They formed the Tea Party and this is the culmination of it. Trump ran on a revenge platform. Jesus, get your head out of the sand.

Probably true. But you can’t say kids don’t care when a bunch of seven year olds are obviously having conversations about it.

I had zero conversations with my kid about the upcoming election or anything about the candidates and my seven year old still came home telling me all about how Trump is a big bully who hates everybody and even got into a fight with my mother about it. She brought all of that home from school, so when she found out

First, Obama didn’t control all three branches of government like Trump and the Republicans will on Jan. 20th.

“I do remember the Right being pretty upset when Obama took office. 8 years later, tempers cooled about it and look where we’re at.”

^—- Black Guy

Thank you, Beth. This was a really lovely read.