
Since you probably need your job and can’t say it, I’ll say it for you - Your boss can go fuck herself.

It took me a second to realize you were referencing your username, not your boss just being racist since Trump won.

I’m looking forward to the #NeverTrump attempt to primary him in 2020 (if he makes it that far). It’s going to be the saddest bunch of fucking losers imaginable. By the end, he got most of the worst shitheads on his side, which means they’ll never challenge him and they’d just be reminded of how harded they got cucked

I don’t blame Bernie. He did everything he could to help get Clinton elected. But it’s important to beat back this claim that Bernie could have magically won the election. Had Bernie been the nominee, it wouldn’t even have been close.

Presuming that Bernie Sanders would have won is baseless and stupid.

The blaming Gary Johnson is horseshit. If anything, he likely took more votes from Trump than Hillary.

I learned that you are clearly a misogynistic misogynist if you think anything other than misogyny caused this misogynistic mess. Don’t criticize Hillary’s perfect campaign, misogynist! Misogyny.

This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.

You’re right - GW Bush started the executive order trend.

Except that can’t be it. Clinton disproportionately lost counties that bounced back the most since the recession. There was no correlation between Trump support and areas hurt by trade. He’s anti-union, so not sure where you got that part. Literally the only part of the message they got was pro-white identity

Seriously. I mean, what, reopen the coal mines? WTF do these white poor people think is going to happen?

Remind me to read this again in a few days, after I catch my breath. Movements are tough to build when the prospective members of that movement just got knocked the fuck out.

“Those 46 electoral votes would put her at 274 and him at 230. Either we go whole hog on coalition style government or not, but a total of about 120,000 votes decided this election.”

Needed this pep talk.

America, take solace in the fact that your parents won’t live forever. Progress is naturally restricted by its people. The baby boomers have become about as progressive as can be expected given the results of neoliberal politics. They all shall soon begin passing and a “revolution” will begin. It’s a time-honored

I guess the great crime here is that Hillary failed to offer up impossible and worthless platitudes to these folks. I don’t look down on working class people, my father certainly falls into that category. However, you’re selling snake oil to these people if you try to convince them that manufacturing is coming back as

Weird how the only economic demographic Trump didn’t win was people making under $50k annually, but sure, this was “economic anxiety.”

Voting for a candidate that espouses those things is an endorsement of them. A person can feel all the entitlement they want to a good job they once had, and believe that Trump is somehow going to move an iPhone factory to Wisconsin so you can keep stamping metals or whatever, but if you place those motives above

White communities in suburban areas, like my home of suburban Wayne County (Detroit) have seen successful economic rebounds and improvements since the bottoming out of 2006 - 2010.

Yeah, I’m gonna need a minute before I start looking to my neighbor on the left or right as a potential ally in the fight for a ‘better’ tomorrow. This shit is soul-crushing.