
She was head of the NSC then Secretary of State while the administration falsely created a reason to go to war, had Powell humiliate himself at the UN with knowingly false testimony, established rendition to get around US law, evaded the Geneva conventions, made a fiasco of post war Afghanistan AND Iraq. This goes so

Why all the Cali hate? Can’t we go back to the original point - hating Canada?

Also, keep in mind that even the reddest state has a bare minimum of 20% or so Democrat voters, even if we’re starting from the (morally distasteful) standpoint of only blue state lives matter.

The more important reality is that, even though the states often consistently come out in the electoral college as red or blue, that rarely means that 100% or even a true majority of citizens voted that way.

That’s not invading, that is defecting! It is funny though, when liberals want to defect, they have nations they can go to that are good. When conservatives wanted to defect over universal health care they learned that unless they wanted to go to a developing nation, there was no place that didn’t already provide care

This is short-sighted and ill-informed.


There’s nothing even remotely wrong with these; a bunch of politicians and policy wonks fine-tuning a policy to pitch in a political campaign. I’m glad to see this is what they were up. Maybe it seems very crafty to those seeking an excuse to hate them, but this is what politics and policy advocacy looks like. And if

Is it just me or has there really not anything damning in these email leaks? Or is the Hillary Kool-Aid just hitting me too hard?

Oh, come on. You can’t possibly know anything at all about that father-daughter relationship from one photo. You don’t know what happened right before or after that photo was taken. It could just as easily be that he is about to pull her to him in a fierce hug. You’re not psychic and you have no reason to look

These parents were going out of their way to give their daughters the best education and opportunities they could in a country where no one would blame them for keeping them like chattel.

“It’s too loud in this coffee shop! I’ll never get this abortion paperwork done!!”

I’ve been so disgusted by the infantalization of women these pro-choice bills represent. If they’re only shown a picture of their babies on ultrasound, or the sound of its heartbeat, they’re sure to change their weak and wavering minds! If we just make them wait a few days to think about it, they’re sure to recant

And that pretty much guarantees he is NOT against abortion. If a woman with a verifiable story would come forward showing Donald pushed her into an abortion that would clench this thing. All the Trump trainers I know ( and roughly 99% of people in my vicinity are) might be ambivalent about sexual assault but would

“It’s so weird...they seem like tiny people right now, but in ten years they’ll just be objects!”

Give mr Falwell a break; he can’t fuck his mother in an outhouse anymore.

And the thing that’s so bizarre and unsettling about all of this, all of these years later, is that folks who lived thousands of miles away are the ones screaming their lungs out about security and terrorrists! In the meantime, people from New York, from the Pentagon, from areas that have actually experienced

Lumping Bush v Gore in with those other things leaves out an awful lot of context. An awful lot.

I think that changing roles from fake reporter to sassy commentator has helped Samantha Bee find her niche. She was misused on “The Daily Show.”

I would just like to say I have that Georgia O’Keefe print in my bathroom. So everyone has to look at pussy while sitting on my toilet.