
Back when we both lived in Asheville, I shared a gyno with Ms. MacDowell and for TWO YEARS IN A ROW I had the appointment right after her. It’s the closest I’ll ever come to having sex with a celebrity.

My boyfriend and myself both thought it was very disturbing and made us mad that Trump was doing that. #gaythough

Well, there is the issue that bigotry, while awful, isn’t actually a crime. You are legally allowed to be racist in your thoughts*. Actually committing sexual assault, as he is on tape admitting too, is definitely illegal. If instead of pussy grabbing this tape was him going on about how he redlined blacks out of his

Seriously. People saying this “any generic Republican would win in a landslide” BS forget that there’s no such thing as a generic candidate. Everyone has their own flaws and baggage that they bring to the campaign. If we’re not talking about Donald Trump’s pussy-grabbing, it would be Pence’s decades of noxious

The trump campaign hired Sontaran body guards apparently.

He’s a Republican man running against a woman. He still has the evangelicals.

There’s a small chance he will lose a few people who “just don’t like that kind of language”. Odd as it may seem, respectability politics are strong and WEIRD. The act itself is more forgivable, to some, than him saying the word pussy.

not happening, not happening, there is a special bond between them and it called money.

So here’s the thing. If Limbaugh and Drudge can get their audience to ignore Hurricane Matthew as a hoax, won’t there be less of them? Find me the downside.

Considering that the tepid response to Andrew helped make Bush a one-term president and put Clinton in the White House, and Katrina played its role in giving the Democrats Congress in 2006, he may have a point.

Hopefully this liberal hurricane blows his goddamn house in West Palm Beach to toothpicks.

If you send things back multiple times at your OWN restaurant it gives the people you’re with the impression that the food is not good. The very people you are trying to impress.

So they should have exploited an actual alcoholic? Think about it for a second...

Absolutely delicious and far better than the isolationist shit sandwich of Brexit.

If it’s any consolation, it’s 40% of the voting population, not the US population. The number of people who are eligible to vote and who actually vote are less than 50% of the total population, I believe, and it’s ~40% of them who are going to vote for Trump.

You don’t know their grandma! Plenty of grandmas are legit horrible people.

And it’s a bit ironic too, isn’t it. Because call her corrupt, or dishonest, or mercenary, but Clinton is actually pretty damned tough, and smart, and sane. Meaning, even if you believe what her detractors say about her, so what??? She’ll compromise with Republicans, keep the economy running, not try to stifle

Along with his squinty look, hair and cheeto-dust tan, I’m certain of something:

They don’t care. My dad was in Vietnam. His dad was at the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I could not believe it when Trump mocked McCain for being a POW. I thought “well, that’s the end of that support.” But, no. I’m so offended by his general stance on military personnel. He’s so obviously pandering, and they don’t care.