
I wish some ice cream company would make cookie dough ice cream, hold the ice cream. The current iteration of cookie dough ice cream turns me into a gross immature kid, because I eat all of the ice cream first, and save the cookie dough for the end to eat in one glob.

Word. I’ve liked nearly everything Ewan has been a part of, so I’ll be watching this movie hoping his directorial debut is a success.

Ahhh, ok.

Not gonna lie - my takeaway from the trailer is just that I’m happy Ewan McGregor is playing Dakota’s father and not her love interest.

to be fair theres a bit said in the book about how he DOESN’T look jewish (ie: the nickname “the swede”).

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. There are times when guns are right, and this, it would seem, is one.

Holy shit.

See, this is why I own 2 large breed dogs. They’re not aggressive (though they sound scary through the front door), but they’ll at least let me know when there’s a violent, stalker-y creep HIDING UNDER MY BED.

If we had stricter gun laws this woman would still have been able to get a gun to protect herself. The point of gun control isn’t to take away guns. It’s to make it much more difficult for people who shouldn’t have them to get them. Gun control would also put limits on the types of guns that are available. No one

1.) I’m glad she shot him (I know that’s hypocritical as an empathetic eastern lib who hates guns. I don’t care.)

when Scottish independence referendum happened in 2014,I literally couldn’t sleep at night & watched the whole result in an anglophile,the union was very dear to my heart.but after this debacle,when nicola sturgeon said another independence referendum would be held,I screamed yas queen

Especially Scotland, their vote has always been of little consequence to British politics and now the Brexit will only further accentuate it. Go join your European cousins!

I typically try to stay away from sweeping generational blame, but this morning someone in my FB feed posted a phenomenally depressing infographic that displayed the voting preferences for the Brexit broken down by age group, along with “how many years they’ll live with this decision”. Damn if it wasn’t the most

Alright, I’ve had enough of this shit.

When we started to enforce Prohibition, there were people who supported Prohibition that were shocked and surprised to learn that beer and wine were illegal in addition to hard liquor.

Or this can be a lesson for people in power (and presumed front-runners for office)—don’t dismiss the concerns of disgruntled people even if you disagree with them.

I said this in another thread but I really want a word of the day calandar with other country’s insults. I want to make sure I’m saying them properly

My feelings on Scottish independence have done a complete 180 in the last 12 hours, which may be the fastest reversal I’ve ever managed.

I’d love to see them just re-vote, with a quick “Right! Sorry about before, then!” But in a British accent so it’ll be all charming.

Maybe this can be a lesson for all of the Americans who want to vote for Trump in November as some sort of protest vote.

Bollocks. Bloody wanker.