
I don’t like her either, and her sense of entitlement is infuriating. But can we agree not to use “fat” or “ugly” as insults??

Damn, where did he apply, the Cambridge-Harvard Institute for Future Super Astronauts? That’s wild.

abby fisher is a mega ultra garbage person but fat and ugly she’s not. she’s soft and has a fairly plain face but damn kid calm tf down.

hello i would like to flag this for racism and abusive language

Neither did my son. (ACT 34, unweighted GPA 4.0, top 5% of his class, 4s and 5s on 6 AP tests) Guess what he didn’t do? Whine about it. He just went to another school.

Thank GOD. I was afraid SCOTUS would rule that gingers were a protected class. We can’t have that. You must have a soul to be a protected class, it’s in the constitution.

Good. I hope people remind her of what an unimpressive, entitled whiner she is for the rest of her life.

And that’s one of many good reasons you need affirmative action—to counterbalance the enormous advantage that legacy candidates have.

Yo Abby. I’m white and hella average too. No need to be bitter about it.

Her family members went to UT-Austin but she was also targeted by activists who had long sought to overturn the state’s affirmative action program (and even shopped for good plaintiffs):…

The problem is, she’s seen the second half of rom-coms, and figured if she just kept trying, UT would finally see how perfect she is for them!

you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...

But even white people get rejected sometimes! Has she never seen the first half of any romcom?

Dear Antonin Scalia,

BYE, BITCH. I just cannot get over how entitled she must be to sue the entire fucking University just because she didn’t get in. JFC. This is so satisfying on so many levels.


Another commenter said something earlier today about Dems generally being the party of compromise in contrast to the GOP being completely unwilling to even meet them at the bargaining table in recent years. Well, the Dems are finally fed the fuck up. As well they should be.

Looks like Obama’s lack of fucks is spreading, although given the mess the GOP seems to be in right now it seems to be a good time to make a statement.

The Dems so rarely show their guts. It’s wonderful when they do.