
I have the same impressions of them and now HE seems like a try hard teenager and now I no longer want to have sex with him. I hope he’s happy with his choices.

Yeah, it’s so transparently thirsty and I think that’s my issue with this. That, and they’ve somehow managed to become insufferable together in the span of a week!

I firmly believe this entire relationship is based on dancing. They like dancing, they enjoy dancing together, and everything else is filler until more dancing.

Especially since he has been super private about is past relationships m, this seems weird.

It’s hard to say, because everything about Taylor Swift feels so calculated and controlled in recent years. A lot of her friendships feel slightly phony as well, although I believe the ones with Kloss and Dunham are genuine.

I really do love Hiddleston - I think he’s adorable. But this smacks of desperation. I always thought he was super comfortable with himself and just enjoyed attention, as evidenced by his dancing, funny stories and impressions of other people. But this seems like a ploy to raise his status as a heartthrob so he can

I just.... can’t... wrap my head around this. I can’t imagine them talking or having anything in common and most definitly not having sex. I can picture him having sex... ALL DAY. But not her. Or maybe Hiddles is just a really huge dork and it’s a match made in heaven? In my head they are also like 20 years apart...

FUCK HE WAS IN MY CITY LASTNIGHT AND I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT?!!?!?!?!! I mean I may not look like T. Swift but I can give a helluva blow job. Wait, no, really I’m not that good at blow jobs either I am just very enthusiastic. Well, wait. No, I’m not enthusiastic about giving them, but I’m very excited at the prospect of

“They’re going to go for shopping malls, they’re going to go for churches.”

I haven’t seen the stats, but I hope its membership is much like Scientology, and greatly exaggerated.

Honestly, I don’t think that would change the NRA’s stance at all, either. It might, maybe, finally, embolden some politicians who’ve kowtowed to them for years to say, “Okay, the public outrage on this issue is high enough that the political backlash for me if I don’t support at least some common-sense gun control

Please, please don’t revisit the hippy commune angle. The rest of the show was great, but Holly Hunter’s turn as the whacked crazy lady at hippy camp was just laughable. It’s almost like it was a joke written by MRA types to make fun of feminism. It really reminded me of the laughable “we’re all one” shit in Sense8.

The 2nd amendment hasn’t killed anyone, but there’s CERTAINLY a ton of blood on Rick Scott’s hands.

CongressWOMAN. She probably talked too much, amirite? /s

The sad part is that I only recognize half of those dudes which means we’re so used to mass killings at this point that you gotta knock off at least a dozen before you become a household name.

If it helps....those people always existed. Maybe there’s something good about forcing them into the daylight. Now you know who they are. Cockroaches like the dark. “Oh, you, running for school were chanting ‘build the wall’ at a Trump rally. I think I’ll make sure you dont get elected.”

He’s employed Perez Hilton on his beauty pageants, and the first year, they smarmed all over each other, like two rancid snails.

When he says young girls I think of girls who are maybe ... under 15. It’s not even teenagers - it’s girls. I guess this says something about how he views woman.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

Wow - really nice way to engage with your readers. What I meant - and clearly I didn't say it correctly so forgive me for not using the exact appropriate words - was that the woman deserves your respect by making the headline clear about the abortion she chose to have - no judgment on my part and I'm deeply saddened