
you are literally describing my hometown (our big hangout spots were K-Mart, the video rental place, and The Woods) and i’m cry-laughing and also feel bad for cry-laughing because most of these people never even get a fighting chance to leave and experience something different. And also it’s beautiful and everyone

Skunk stripes, blue frosted cream shadow, and barbed wire arm band tattoos (for the girls) and tribals (for the dudes) are also hallmarks but I feel like you have to drive like, about 20 miles off any given loop highway for it to be an ongoing “thing” The people who live around me now in the big scary “city” do not

No words have ever been more real than when you typed “Jayden’s Mom”. *Fistbump to you from my former home on the Indiana side of the state line, where dreams go to die*

Things I have learned since I moved to Ohio lo these (7) many years ago.

We can’t all be serial killers. These are busy moms.

I would argue Brock Turner is a perfect example of someone who will be hard to rehabilitate, and a big part of that is the enablers in his life (his parents). Making part of his punishment to continue living with them, when they will support his thoughts that it’s not actually his fault, is the opposite of a good

I don’t understand why this isn’t the response when a rapist’s “life is ruined”

You think he’s unlikely to reoffend? He still doesn’t think he did anything wrong! He said that he thinks the problem is alcohol and promiscuity. He was convicted of rape because he raped a woman - because he decided that his desire to conquer her or to get off outweighed anything she wanted because she was un-bloody-c

I’m genuinely interested to know why people say he’s unlikely to re-offend. I kind of get it in that I feel like he has experienced consequence (though justice hasn’t been served in my opinion) with now being infamous and hated so he likely would not risk worse punishment later on. However, I do think something is

Do you honestly think this is the first time he ever raped someone? Or harmed someone? I think it’s only the first time he got caught. He’s shown no remorse, his family is more focused on their pain than on that of the victim and her family, his idiot friend blames alcohol and party culture (even though plenty of

The juror who protested seriously disagreed about his likelihood of reoffending:

I don’t see how sentencing Brock Turner to two years (out in one), the guideline minimum, instead of six months (out in three) for his violent crime would be an example of the problems of mass incarceration. It’s not like he was arrested for weed or selling illegal cigarettes or even theft. He sexually assaulted

Your thoughts are well articulated but totally off the mark. This person was substantially under sentenced for a crime that is gravely under prosecuted and under-reported and for which there is a tremendous risk of recidivism. The situation is made worse by the fact that this criminal enjoyed every privilege that

Unlikely to reoffend!?!?!?!?!?!?!? For all you know, it’s the first time he got caught. Get upset about mass incarceration all you want - it’s a huge problem - but this guy is exactly the sort of person who SHOULD be doing time.

I find that I am completely ok with demonising this particular parent for trying to get his rapist spawn off with a slap on the wrist.

If he were my son, I would be embarrassed and write a letter to the court APOLOGIZING for raising someone like him, not crying about how stressed he is because he got caught.

Literally none of the stuff we have all read and discussed re:violence towards women, rapists, or white privilege over the last few centuries has sunk in either in your case. As suggested above, one can support mass incanceration reform and also wish that violent criminals like Brock go to jail.

No consequences, absolutely no remorse, violent and degrading crime... what about this guy says ‘not likely to reoffend’?

Is this sarcasm?

That discussion is for the consideration of non-violent offenders. Not for rapists. Is your comment a joke? Am I missing something?