
How about a word for the poor man who gave his life helping a woman he didn’t even know.

An armed white guy.

Funny how when a white guy tries to escape police custody he’s subdued with pepper spray and a taser instead of being shot and killed.

I so loved Frog and Toad. My favorites too.

Plus, You didn’t do a good job motherfucker. You did a terrible job.

I still don’t understand how anyone thinks Hillary is a bigger liar than this giant orange turd.

“I never said six!”

Yeah, I feel like this director’s whole argument might seem a bit more credible if he wasn’t comparing her to Adam Fucking Levine as if he’s the most brilliant thespian to ever perform. Ummm....

I’ve been in braces for five years :( *cries forever*

The first time I saw Once I loved it. When I watched it again, a decade later, I thought “What is this shit? Glen Hansard is a terrible actor, he’s clearly playing himself, and not even well at that. Irglova is acting circles around him, and this whole thing is supposed to be some kind of awesome love story/friendship

I didn’t like Once. I thought it was weird that the Glen Hansard character was nearly 40 yrs old and afraid to leave home/strike out while the female character was so young and yet wise, a mother, separated from her partner, etc. Then I read that the original plan was to have a young Cillian Murphy in the lead and


From people I have actually heard of:

I’ve never heard a bad word about her... and I’ve never even heard of him. “I’ll never make a film with supermodels again” a way to devalue someone’s 15 year career is to ignore their actual profession.

I'm sorry. Stop the...whatever you stop in blogging. Did this jaghole just call ADAM LEVINE a proper film actor and KEIRA KNIGHTLEY is not? Those words do not make any sense in that order. No.

Oh god. Whatever. Unless you are whipping them out and showing them to her, the fact is that she’ll see a man’s back standing at a urinal. If she’s a curious girl (and most children are) she might stare (good time to teach a child not to) and look to see a flacid penis mostly covered by a dude’s hands/pants, peeing

Stop sexualizing a 5-year old, she’s going potty, not checking out “other guys dick.”

The only thing I think when I see a five-year-old boy in a women’s bathroom is that I hope his mom wipes down the toilet seat after. That said, many grown women are disgusting and routinely leave the entire stall in a filthy state. Five-year-olds often seem better at washing their hands, too, or maybe that’s just my

I don’t think she’s blaming others, she’s just highlighting the influence they had on her—she knows that she wasn’t very politically aware, and because she didn’t know enough about it to earnestly care about the issues, she used what resources were near at hand—her family and her boyfriend. I’m glad you made the

Loved this. It so so so sums up my life politically—I grew up in rural Kentucky in a very conservative Southern Baptist family. When I registered to vote when I was 18, I registered Independent, but still voted Republican with my parents. When I was a freshman in college I was on the email list for the campus pro-life