He CAN’T handcuff her! There is a process for contempt of court; he didn’t even charge her with contempt of court. He made her sit in the corner like a fucking toddler in time out. There is no reason why this should have happened.
He CAN’T handcuff her! There is a process for contempt of court; he didn’t even charge her with contempt of court. He made her sit in the corner like a fucking toddler in time out. There is no reason why this should have happened.
And we all know if the genders were reversed the judge never would have pulled this bullshit.
Electric shavers, floating speakers, and popular running shoes lead off Tuesday’s best deals.
Oh, Google images isn’t going to cut it.
I think not being liked by Chelsea Handler is kind of a great thing.
As it turned out, Dad died at home of a sudden massive heart attack, surrounded by those he loved most - his books and his cats.
Let me guess: Handler never has shit to say about Brad Pitt?
My roommate and her boyfriend are both super Republican and now there are fucking bowtie catalogs in my apartment. Catalogs specifically for bowties. They exist.
Hey, don’t blame the bow tie, blame the person wearing it.
“This cannot stand! Skip, hold my blazer!”
Reminds me of perhaps the finest eulogy I ever heard, care of Bert Cooper on Mad Men:
Yeah, if you look at that photo board there’s a picture from 1939...she was FORTY in 1939. It’s hard to comprehend.
What a life! Seeing planes go from novelty inventions to fucking space travel, two world wars, etc. I can’t quite get over the fact that she would have been middle-aged by the time World War 2 rolled around.
I will never get over the director of Gone Girl saying that when he read that the protagonist of the novel had a “punchable” face he automatically wanted Ben for the role.
Doesn’t that perfectly describe her husband, too? I feel like they’re actually a perfectly matched pair: gorgeous, actually pretty talented... And yet, lacking a certain something that somehow makes them less than the sum of their parts (and I’m not saying that something is internal vs pure perception or happenstance…
Seriously batshit. I had both my kids while in my 30's and was exhausted. Everyone’s talking about these parents dropping dead. What they’re not talking about is how physically draining caring for an infant is and what effect that might have on an elderly person. My 70 year old MIL falls asleep in front of the TV at…
Nah, Holly was a hoe who is trying to make the mansion look bad although she knew exactly what she was doing....effing an old guy for money.
I kinda think that you need your husband to agree to having a kid, personally. I wouldn’t say “I don’t want you to have a kid at 70” is a demand. It may well have been, “what if you die for this kid we might not even be here to parent?” Reasonable women don’t add additional family members and lifelong obligations…
While I am hopeful that the doctors in question fully evaluated the couple before they undertook this, I have doubts. First, the name of the place includes “test tube baby”. Second, they did this knowing her husband objected. While it’s certainly not 100% up to a husband what happens in their marriage, I can’t imagine…