
1. You are confusing your misconceptions about the undisclosed podcast and what was argued during the hearing.

Dude, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about and instead of admitting it- you’re just double downing on your willfull ignorance.

1. Don’s employment history was brought up because it is relevant to his “alibi”. Oh, to be clear, Bob Ruff on Truth and Justice/ Serial Dynasty was the one who brought it up.

You obviously haven’t listened to undisclosed past ep one of that is your pronouncement. Seriously, of the levidity issue didn’t give you pause, you never intended to give Adnan the benefit of doubt.

They also can’t get the authorities to investigate who they believe to be Hae’s killer unless Adnan’s sentence is vacated. Until then, the murder is considered solved.

With no actual eye witnesses to the murder, no physical evidence and plenty of corruption and abuse of power- what’s your proof that Adnan 100% guilty? Especially after new credible and admissible evidence came to light that totally disproves the state’s theory of the crime?

It’s completely plausible. I graduated in 2000 and I also remember specific details about specific days, or sequences of events that were meaningful or tied together in some way.

If you want to download something, I’d recommend episode #3 of the Undisclosed podcast called “Jay’s Day”, #15 “Tina” and maybe #8/9 which are about the cell phone and the Nisa call. The “Don” episode of the “Truth & Justice” podcast is also worth a listen. Even if you don’t come away thinking Don should have been a

I listened to Undisclosed too, it was a slog, but I did it. While Rabia is certainly biased, the other two attorneys seem to be able to disagree with her characterization of a lot of the evidence with no problem. There is a LOT to sift through, and I found the podcast interesting in that it shows what defense

They can’t suggest who killed Hae because that’ll open them up to civil litigation. They also have to keep it to themselves just in case they do get an actual trial.

She had scheduling conflicts and said she would figure out some kind of update. I’m sure she felt that she can take time away from the Adnan case because Rabia Chaudry and company it covered.

We all feel bad for Hae’s family. That goes without saying. They wouldn’t be revisiting Hae’s death again. if the detectives, the state and Adnan’s lawyers did their jobs. If even one of those groups did their duty- there would be some sort of finality. All we know is that the state’s theory is incorrect, the

It’s pretty rough. There is just nothing compelling about it, and she didn’t even interview Bergdahl herself. She’s just relying on prerecorded interview tapes that someone else made. I’ve continued listening just to see if there’s ever a payoff. As masterfully as the story was told on with the original series, it

Really? Have you listened to her at all? Because her reasons make perfectly good sense. She remembers now, 16 years later, because she wrote it down fairly soon after Syed’s arrest. Not only does she have the actual notes to help her remember what happened, experts say that the act of writing shit down makes a person

She says that she remembers that day because she was trying to remember the last time she say Hae but couldn’t. That then triggered her memory of seeing Adnan at the library and she’s certain. of the date because there was an ice or snow storm that night and. she used that as an excuse for breaking curfew. She also

from what i remember, there was a snowstorm and they were off school the next day, which is why she remembered when it first happened. the defense knew about her when it first went to trial, so it’s not like 20 years later shes like ‘oh yeah i def saw him guys!!’ out of the blue. she remembered when adnan was arrested

Agreed. Kind of weird, though, that they stopped doing the Serial updates before the hearing was done. That trial was only the thing that put Serial on the map. I guess Sarah Koening needed to get back to boring us to death with her dreadful story about Bowe Bergdahl. I’d bet that the numbers of the listeners to the

IIRC, it was in the library right after school, she was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up, they got into a huge argument, and there was a snowstorm that night that closed the school for two days. As soon as she heard that Adnan was arrested, she contacted his attorney to give her statement and was ignored.

I thought it was dirty pool when the state prosecutor dragged out a statement from Hae’s family at a press conference on Sunday and followed that up with character attacks on Asia.

After listening to the Season 1 follow ups this week, I kinda feel like this woman, Asia McClain, is the perfect witness, completely unflappable, and not biased in one way or the other.