
He does have a shit-eating grin

When you run government like a business you end up with Flint water.

Ok, so I just don’t get SNL. Every time I hear a sketch is worth watching I’ll give it a go but it never raises more than a slight smile. Like, a literally half second, half smirk. I dunno, I’m Scottish, British humour is different but this wasn’t funny to me. It seems laboured, over rehearsed, the jokes are obvious

Naw dogg, but if you’re actually a liberal, you wouldn’t be open to the idea of Trump.

Wait, I thought Obama was too un-serious about his office and always cavorting with hippity-hoppers?

Thank you, Tyler. It’s kinda lonely in the ‘sane people club’, innit?

Question: I love the movie Fargo, but can’t handle the extreme gore/violence in TV shows like Game of Thrones. How scary is Fargo the show? Will I be able to watch it without having a cardiac event? Because I really want to check it out but don’t want to waste my time on nightmare fuel (no shade to GoT, just my own

You have to do what is right for you as a person and for your life. I went the whole nine yards with my rapist, not only going through a whole trial, but I also testified against him in cases of several previous victims. I didn’t want to leave any possible way to ruin him on the table, because I didn’t want to have

Im not saying she isnt wrong in her complicity buy my guess is she thinks he’s an exceptional man with one serious problem and maybe didn’t initially grasp the severity of his problem. On top of his career success and wealth he contributed a lot of service work in the black community (which is why he had all those

Because she is like me, and millions of other women, and believes she must conform to social expectations and conventional constructs regarding what is considered attractive. She, like me, and millions of other women, has been subjected to body shaming. She, like me, and millions of other women, has been taught to

How old is she? Like mid 20’s now? I think it is more she is just hitting that stage where you transition into your adult look...if that makes any sense?

I was born and raised in Georgia and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know what a bagel is. They are eaten regularly here (though we typically prefer toast or English muffin or grits as our breakfast starch).

Diverting people from real issues... like poverty, racism, and the rapid stratification of US wealth... what?

I love Bernie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I work with kids, and I can tell you that they are all imaginative. You just don’t remember. I had two kids recently get into a completely serious conversation about mummies and werewolves. They both agreed that mummies were real and scary, and that werewolves were fake and stupid. They explained various strategies

I am so god damned gullible i can’t even remember all of them. Most recently, JUST THIS WEEK, a coworker emailed to say her kid was reciting a poem at his school for the Christmas pageant and that “it would be on CNN.”

This won’t feed into the whole Clinton corruption narrative, will it? -_-

What? I don’t think she’s actually complaining, she is just contractually obligated to wear Dior. Which yes, is a 1% issue but I’m not sure anyone would argue that any of this joke isn’t very 1%.

I think she deserves a hot normie. Like no famous but somehow works in the business so gets her schedule, let’s her be the awesome one, super hot.

His dick looks like torture. Girl needs to get laid, not perforate an organ.