
I’m already old-ish. Old enough to know the value of how hard it was to break free of the religious patriarchy and to value my autonomy and life. It helps that I moved 800 miles from my childhood home when I was 20.

My older kid is a great reader and loves to read when he finds something to engage him. My younger kid, who is actually super articulate and seems to be fairly intelligent, has struggled with reading. We read to both of them, encouraged them the same, etc. Some kid just have different abilities - she also talked

I think it’s KEY that we recognize the stepping stones (particularly kindergarten stepping stones) as very individual, and that’s OK. Like, your kid (while amazing) is not necessarily going to be a better writer than a kid that learns to do this at age seven. A lot of people miss this and freak out when letters don’t

I wasn’t eating dirt at that age, but I was watching Hogan’s Heroes and those Nazis were delightful.

I’m not into comics at all and can’t comprehend spending iPad pro money on a comic book reading device.... But then I remembered I have a mountain bike that costs more than several iPad pros.... So screw the haters. If that’s your hobby and you can afford it, awesome.

I wasn’t protesting. I was just explaining that I’m fine with this, even if you aren’t. Everyone is different. And “woman complaining”? That's sexist.

I was a hippie. And these dolphin assisted births are FUBAR.

This is incorrect advice. Opiates when given for post-surgical pain are safe, effective, often needed for rehab purposes, and unlikely to cause addiction. Oxycontin, when taken as prescribed, is less likely to cause addiction than random percocets, because it’s taken on a schedule, twice a day, and has a predictable

It’s...not a thing. The subculture of people who are “poly” and “chill” doing heroin casually with people they meet online is exceedingly small. Please don’t do this again. I don’t even know you and I care about you more than a bored poly housewife who’d give an inexperienced stranger heroin.

I understand exactly where these parents are coming from. Our daughter had everything going for her when she graduated high school. She went to college, got addicted, and has lost everything as a result. She’s ruined her health, her mind, her relationships, and her future. She stole from everyone, got arrested, has

Please don't continue using heroin, no matter what the lives of other users may look like. It will ruin you and destroy your family and everything you care about, if you survive at all. Good people don't encourage others to use heroin. Please stop using now, before it gets worse.

It seems silly for native speakers, but if you learned English through exposure to British teachers, talking to an American would be very difficult. We use different vowels, different expressions and have very different accents.

No way. Will may be losing his hair, but he can GET it. Broad chest, not too muscular, a perfect square jaw, a great set of legs and is super hott in his polo whites. Kate’s done very well indeed.

OH MY GOD her outfit in the second photo. My ovaries.

I don’t like Anne. Other than the Devil Wears Prada, everything she is in (including what you listed) was worse for her.

She’s not Emma Thompson though. This is probably as loud as she can complain about it and still get work.

I had no idea that her character was supposed to be older than Bradley Cooper’s. I did, however, think during the movie “Man, isn’t she a little young to have had some of these life experiences?”

Or American Hustle. I understand it the least for her of all people. Bizarre.

Yeah, but if she wants to marry her cellmate, where will she get a license? Oh the delicious irony.

If I refused to perform the job I’d been hired for and kept collecting a paycheck . . . isn’t “thief” the appropriate word?