
I knew it would be good, but I didn’t expect to cry so much. The part where she talked about not leaving her mom as she was dying just gutted me. When my mom was dying I talked to her about how she brought me into the world and that I would stay with her as she left it. Sob.

Those arms knocked the exclamation point right off his campaign sign.

You can feel her doubt, like it has physical weight.

girl, me too.

The Netflix documentary “Tig” is incredibly moving and funny. She has a really special gift for comedy, and I am so happy she is alive.

Just in case there’s one person left out there that hasn’t seen this.

Exactly. I played rec league sports as a kid, and we got little plaques for participation (they had the team picture on them, but there was also an engraved plate to the side that said something like, “Maggie Pye, Name of Sports Team, Name of League, 1978.” And if we won something, it might say, “League Champion,” or

Indeed, lets continue to shit all over Bernie for advocating for more than is even reasonable given the current political landscape. He’s a guy that is running a campaign that I’m convinced he knows is going to fail so that the progressive agenda gets at least lip service for some period of time and he’s making

After two weeks? My body was still leaking from everywhere and no sleep was happening. I would have needed a donut pillow for my desk job, but can't imagine what I'd need to make it through a day on my feet at that point! Two weeks?

TBH, even 2 or 3 months off is not enough. My kids were around 6 months old when I felt ready to go back to work (luckily I had a year of mat leave for each child).

I agree, but at least it is something. Right now, if you work for a company with less than 50 employees and/or have worked at your current job for less than 12 months and/or don’t work in a city that mandates paid sick leave (most of America) you are entitled to ZERO days of time off for pushing something the size of

I just gave birth in June. I could barely walk normal two weeks after pushing that baby out, let alone go back to work. I'm lucky - my bf and I saved up so that I could take four month off to stay at home with our little one. I'm not getting paid or acruing any time off, just sitting on my butt watching SVU reruns. Oh

To some kids these participation trophies are very important, I often have students bring them in to show me. Although I think ribbons would be just as effective and create less waste.

Participation trophies— the non-issue that every crank loves to yap about, usually with a heavy dose of “when I was a kid . . . “ The fact is, they just don’t matter much. They hand them out at the end of AYSO soccer and I think Little League, usually when the kids are about 4-9 year old. Along with a cupcake. They

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

I really feel l like ISIS deserve to be exterminated by an army of pissed off women.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever encountered anyone who has had run-ins with the law but it has a tendency to snowball and to ‘just get another job’ is going to be a lot harder with a record.

Ummm being 19, in jail for a violent offense, likely uneducated & clearly without a decent lawyer. The ability to stand for what is right while presuming you’ll continue to have opportunities is pretty a privileged viewpoint.

It’s nice to know that you have the privilege to be able to go to jail just to prove a point. Not everyone is so privileged.

What’s this about the sanctity of marriage?