really? all the issues, THAT’S the most important one? That’s a deal breaker?
really? all the issues, THAT’S the most important one? That’s a deal breaker?
The man sponsored VAWA, and although a very devout Catholic, he has long supported a woman’s right to choose. That alone differentiates him from every republican in national office at the moment.
What you say is quite true and all the more reason for workers and the rest of the population to stop believing corporations who imply that the only way they can keep their job is to accept paltry salaries. Generations of bank tellers and telephone operators could have had decent salaries that allowed them to give…
More money for everybody except the CEOs who are the reason why the rest of us aren’t making enough.
As was amply demonstrated by the Industrial Revolution! Gahhhh, HISTORY CAN ACTUALLY TEACH PEOPLE THINGS.
More than that, when the technology gets here, worker wages will have no effect on whether robots replace them. Companies are going to replace workers with automation regardless of how much they pay those workers, because it will still be cheaper for them to do so.
OK, let’s go ahead and respond to this dipshit assertion, because people always make it on these posts. Generally, I ignore it because it’s so obviously fucking stupid, but we’re going to do this here and now. This is such a basically obvious point that I’d think anyone capable of tying their own shoes would get it,…
I’m a paramedic and I just have to chime in that being a paramedic is also often not very pleasant, it’s often depressing, you sometimes get literal shit on you, most doctors and nurses give you no respect and many members of the public call you an “ambulance driver”. Once you’ve been doing it for a while you don’t…
YES. Instead of trickle down, which never happened, this is trickle up. Everyone will get a raise because getting paid the same as minimum wage workers will be absurd.
It’s fascinating, and deeply depressing, just how successfully the wildly rich pit the somewhat poor against the very poor. “If there aren’t people working full-time for such low wages that they literally can’t afford food, and shelter, who will have to feel superior to?!” And the somewhat poor eat it up with a spoon,…
“They want us fighting over who has the bigger pile of crumbs so we don’t realize they made off with almost the whole damn cake.”
I want this embroidered on a pillowcase.
When I first heard the wages for folks in your profession....well. I haven't been that shocked in a good while, especially since all things related to the Medical racket seem to be raking it in.Hell the cost of a fucking ambulance ride is $500.00 (if you're lucky).
This is great. Of course, we are all “socialists” (or Democrats, apparently it’s the same thing) for agreeing.
Yep. That’s how I feel when people bash teachers for our benefits. Don’t be mad at mine, fight for yours!
Good points made by that person. I will also add, to the paramedics and electricians making equal or less than the fast food workers who are complaining... Would you trade places with them? Even for an extra two bucks an hour? I doubt it. Working fast food is not very pleasant. It’s depressing, you smell like shit,…
I’ve run into this at work, (shelving and circulation at a library) with a co-worker spouting the “Why should a burger flipper make as much as I do? BS. I chose not to engage because he and I get along like gasoline fumes and fire, but I really wanted to say “Number one, your wages should rise as well because it’s not…
Source, for anyone who wants it:
It’s weird when people think like that, but their mind doesn’t go “ I should be making MORE money” and instead goes “They should be making LESS”. More money for everybody!!!
But...but raising minimum wage to $15/hour would result in runaway inflation! Milk would cost $10/gallon at least!