
I used to work in a rural-ish area. Lots of people hunted: deer, ducks, rabbits maybe. I’m not a hunter, but I’m pretty ambivalent about people hunting plentiful herbivores. Maybe that’s really stupid of me? But there are hella deer here and people usually got it processed and ate it. I feel completely different about

Is it typical hunter euphemistic parlance to say he “took” an animal rather than “killed” it?? For some reason the inherent entitlement in claiming he “TOOK” Cecil pisses me off even more—and I was already turnt up to 11 on this one.

I think misogyny is internalized by women of all races, and I’m not sure I follow how sexism supports racial superiority... I think women are just programmed from birth to want men to like them, so standing up to sexism is even more difficult because you have to sacrifice that source of self-esteem.

I am all for being against MRAs, but isnt what your doing the exact same thing as assuming all black people are violent or that all mothers will kill their babies? If you posted that same thing with the subject changed on other relevant posts, do you think it would be ok?|

I just think it is silly to judge any group of

ECE professor here: it’s not a euphemism for day care. “Day care” is a terrible misnomer. No one wants it called “day care” unless all they do is babysit small kids stuck in a playpen full of empty Tupperware all day while the grown-ups watch One Life to Live and Sally Jesse or whatever the old ladies watch these

Uhm, half the prior cast of Game of Thrones waves hello (from their horrible unmarked graves).

Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with avoiding going to war, but own it. Don’t deflect by attacking the service of others as insufficient - people who do that are hypocrites of the highest order.

Jon Stewart works for Comedy Central. Not “Get Things Done” Central.

I will definitely have to check every pocket to find anything every time. After my first outing nothing will ever end up in the right pocket again.

The fact that the Jez staff doesn't know this show in and out is a severe problem!!!!

Really? I did not have that problem, nor has anyone else I know who’s had an IUD. Although my doctor warned me about 1 million things unlikely to go wrong, she certainly didn’t mention becterial vaginosis as something that was “most women” get.

Don’t worry, the same people who judge you for not having children will judge you when you do! All my infertile friends are still judged, whether they had kids naturally (they are parenting wrong, probably because after years of trying, they can’t discipline well enough! How spoiled are their kids, right?), used IVF

Omg we discussed this already!! You don't want to marry? Don't marry and let the people who want to marry alone. You want to marry? Get married and let the people who don't alone and end of story. Stop questioning other people's personal choices.

I think it’s failing to take into account second marriages. If you get married again but don’t solve any of your issues from the first, yeah, you’re going to get divorced again. I’d assume that’s where second marriages begin- age 32, particularly if you’re from a “marry young” area that would see its first wave of

Uh because legally binding yourself to someone has a number of legal benefits?

Maybe we as a society should stop upholding marriage as the absolute thing you must do or you are worthless slime. People would probably not marry out of desperation to be coupled with someone, ANYONE, if that were the case.

15. <Flip him off while his stupid toddler back is turned>

“Do you need me to explain ‘need’ and ‘want’ again?”

This is a well-written thank you note. I wish I’d ever written one thank you note this good. It’s simple and concise and says what it needs to say.