The linked article has a bit more detail on that front:
The linked article has a bit more detail on that front:
The poor persecuted dears can now make money from a whole new group of consumers. The horror!
Oh. My. God. If have to see, hear, or listen to some Christian say “protect religious liberties,” I am going to scream. This ain’t about your religion people!
Is it though? No one is rounding up priests, pastors, rabbi’s, imam’s (not that anyone screaming “religious liberties” really cares what Muslims want/think) & making them perform gay marriages. The only thing that changes is that same sex couples can be issued marriage licenses & enjoy all the benefits that come with…
When they say religious liberties, they mean something very specific. They mean the legal right to discriminate against gay people in housing, employment, and commerce. We might be able to get married, but they are still going to fight to keep us second class citizens. The war is not over. Gay marriage was just one…
Wow, that whole Republican “We always believed in equality & equal rights” whitewashing of their historical position (which is another way of saying “bigotry”) didn't take long at all! 2 days, I'm impressed. Disgusted, but impressed.
The religious liberty they’re talking about is the liberty to tell everyone else what to do. In other words, they don’t understand what religious liberty means.
Enjoy being on the wrong side of history, assholes.
Well it is pretty transparent, which is better than nothing. “Alright, we lost this battle, let’s move on to something else and not piss off moderate voters any longer. But hey don’t worry, far right people, I’m totes about your religious freedoms too! *mumbles* but we’re trying to win an election here.”
I think he’ll be more fun when he is an ex-Prez. Obama is only truly free in moments like this, when he gets to unleash his emotions and speak. The presidency shackles him. And there is NO chance he pulls a Bush II and hides away doing crappy paintings. He’s going to do something, and it will be a blast.
he’s amazing! we’re gonna miss him something awful when he’s no longer president and some boring asshole who can’t speak or govern takes over. like jeb. or hillary.
Well, God damn, this is a beautiful piece of writing. I hope your parents are able to read this, as this serves as an overwhelming affirmation of their job well done.
I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.
The “can’t wait to break this law” guy seems like a real special kind of idiot.
Nope. I’m happy dancing in my chair.
Am I a bad person for taking almost as much joy in the pee-pants tantrums the Conservatives are throwing over the ruling as in the ruling itself?
All the obstacles against gay marriage being recognized everywhere are gone, and social conservatives everywhere are…