
Sudeikis is the one that looks like a loan officer, and Helms is the one that looks like an acountant

Just because people don’t say the right thing doesn’t mean they are racist. Not everyone is sophisticated enough to know how to properly address race. And quite frankly it’s not an easy discourse to have.

“I’m color blind”

There is none. We all see color and have prejudices. What we do is acknowledge that and move past any uninformed biases. It’s basic kindergarten-use thw wizard brain; not the lizard brain.

It reminds me of when my sister-in-law came out as gay, and my mother-in-law said, “I’d love her even if she wanted to be with a giraffe!” Um yeah, not the same thing.

Or the “I don’t see color” people. Yes. Yes, you do.

“I’m not a racist, I just have really racist friends, relatives, neighbors, pets. But me? Not racist at all.”

If she is willing to be this disrespectful publicly on Twitter, just imagine what she says privately at home. With her husband. Who is in charge of US-Israeli relations. Staggering level of disrespect for a leader of a country who gives you billions every year.


I took my kids the day after my 11 year old little boy was “promoted” from fifth grade. I also have a 10 year old daughter. So I was already in a weird emotional state— my baby is so big now he’s not even in elementary school, and by the way how did I get so old myself? And then the little girl with all her emotions.

You guys, I saw this yesterday and I dunno if it’s this medication I’m on and/or I started my period, but do you know when I first started crying?

This pic right here incorporates everything wrong about the current state of America. That it is necessary to have a cop frisk people for weapons before they go to church. This pic should go down in infamy and should be shown every time someone goes against gun restrictions. That we have to do this because a gun man

Sucks she wouldn’t do an interview. This probably didn’t help!

So the hero is the person who provided the cash, and not the person who’s ideas and hard work led to the result?

I often wonder where we would be if after the civil war (or the Jim Crow era, for that matter) we’d taken the same approach Germany did after WWII and treated white-on-black racism like an infestation that needed to be eradicated, instead of an unfortunate but inevitable reality. Or if we had banned the symbols of the

I read this in another forum yesterday: “It just seems that no matter what happens, the white person is misunderstood and the black person is dead.” That one sentence hit me as so profoundly true and succinctly all-encompassing that it is still running through my head this morning.

I know chemistry, but I wouldn’t say I like it XD