I actually looked at the rider. He was asking for things like having a clean, dry dressing room in close proximity to the stage, couches to sit on, really simple food and beverages for his crew. I've been at some back stage thingies, and the ones I have been to have been pretty simple as well. He's asking for…
I'm a tremendous connoisseur of high quality snark. Absolutely love it. However, I'm thinking that Jack White's open letter was a genuine response to the release of the rider. The attempted pile-on strikes me as a bit excessive. I'm not seeing one-tenth the diva potential of Kanye West in Jack White's reply. No…
I really don't think this would look anywhere near as bad without the crowbarred wisecracks telling me what I'm supposed to think between every paragraph. I'm struggling to find anything wrong with this, and I'm not even a Jack White fan.
Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but — Team White
Let's remember that most people seeking autographs are professional autograph hunters looking to sell the autographs. Without knowing who she did/did not sign autographs for, and recognizing that she's got a pretty cool personality, I'm willing to bet that the people booing her weren't seeking her signature because…
I don't know anything at all about her but I always had a suspicion that she was pretty awesome. This does makes me even more certain.
Yeah, I think it's a pretty big stretch to call these folks "fans".
I like this woman.
Not terribly classy. Still my hero.
True but it's not a good bonding moment for parent or child if the child is miserable. Plus it's a total dick move for all of the other people who are there for business or just wanted to enjoy a fashion show sans screaming toddler. I'm all for getting your kids exposed to different things but this is ridiculous. At…
Considering that most of her prime swimsuit model days were in the 80s before people really cared about sun damage and everyone wanted to be bronze, I give her a pass on that too.
Sure as hell can't talk about that kind of thing with women present.
As Hari Kondabolu said, any story with a talking serpent is kind of suspect.
A six-year old is SUPPOSED to be too trusting. That's called "childhood". And why we try to protect them until they can get gently informed that the world and the people in it aren't all wonderful.
Ugh, tell me about it. #notAllPeopleBornInTexasRaisedInSouthCarolinaLivingInLouisiana
Hugs from Florida!