
Hopping Heathens!

Yes — the old correlation vs causation issue. This is probably more likely indicative of parents who're generally open minded, educated, empathetic, and adept critical thinkers; it doesn't necessarily mean that atheism/humanism/secularism is the cause of those other desirable traits.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."

When ever republicans roll out the I have gay friends, black friends, etc., I say we insist they prove it. Present these "friends," because I've got some questions.

I've heard stories about Dave Chappelle, and the only things I've ever heard are that he is a super funny, down to earth guy. LOVE it.

met Nelson Mandela a month before he passed away

It's not insane per se but it was the coolest thing ever! I've been chronically ill since 4. Loads of kidney problems, autoimmune disorders, etc. A lot of pain. A lot of sleepless nights. That's how I got into old movies. If you're in pain & awake at 4am TCM is the only thing on. I LOVE old movies. I pray to Bogart &

All you New Yorkers with your "I was waiting tables and in walked so-and-so" stories. Well I was in Boone fucking North Carolina working 3rd shift at the Waffle Express (a Waffle House wannabe, if you can imagine) when in walks Wilford Brimley, the Quaker Oats man. He ordered an egg salad sandwich and a coffee and

Alright, and this is where I gotta step in and say that you're actually just succumbing to what I call "small world syndrome." Again, the "prevalence" of sex at a younger age isn't actually true. In fact, sexual activity (and pregnancy, etc.) among younger teens has been declining the past couple decades. We just hear

To steal a quote from Jezebel I saw last night, if I can't send my kid anywhere with a PB&J sandwich for public health reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to send them anywhere without an MMRV.

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

My cat is doing the same! She's sixteen and we figured out last year that she's started going deaf. The nice part is that it's made her significantly more affectionate (she's always been a "cat" cat, as in everything on her terms) but at night she's basically inconsolable. At least two-three times a week in the

Yeah I didn't smile watching that. It made me quite sad for the cat. The kitty is literally climbing walls.

Dr.Zhivago and I got our wedding cake from Azucar. It was so delicious and they were fun to work with, we also got a free cake on our anniversary.

I started not giving a shit a while ago. It started when I started work at a bakery, I didn't have time to give a shit at 530 am. I've gained 15-20# and worried about it for a little bit but was wedding season and I'm working 10-14 hour days 4 days a week (plus a regular 8 on the other two) and I don't have time to

Oh yes, those fucking angels were more important than anything! Guilia was a bit wacky and a huge Oral Roberts freak..she had done some bad things in her early years and was guilt ridden, so she went all in for religion. I had a subscription to Daily Blessing all through college, to the amusement of my friends.

No, it's not that cheap and I don't even remember how much Starbuck's charges. I only drink them twice a week, though - the other days I'm like you and just make coffee at home and use a little half & half. Sometimes I see all the crap my husband buys, though, and ask myself, "I make more money than he does and I

Thank you. I'm a former Greek WOC from a NPC sorority. Honey, if that's what it looks like, that's probably what it is. The things I've heard from my 'diverse' chapter would make you wonder what decade it is. Pardon the turn of phrase, but 'call a spade a spade' feels very appropriate in this situation.

I'm Greek, and I find this stuff hilarious. Don't want it to happen, patrol your members and stop taking it so seriously. You joined because it was fun, right? Because it looks good on a resume, right? You have good memories with your fellow members, right? Okay then, don't act like those reporting on the miscreants

Hypothetically where would one secure a Kappa tshirt? I know a friend of a friend who may or may not want to be photographed wearing one at every liquid store in the panhandle.