
The kids stand out on the corner in front of my fucking house to take the bus. I can literally watch them as I drink my cup of coffee and dismiss idiots on kinja. I've had three separate parents knock on my door to ask why I am not standing out there with the 10 and 12 YEAR OLD.

You know what was the best? My mother came to town to look after the kids while my husband and I went on a business trip. She's an '80s mom. When I explained the process to her she was all "whaaa??". And then she actually did the routine for a few days in mid -20s and just about lost her mind. It was nice to have some

If most six year olds can't make good decisions in very simple circumstances, it's because they haven't been properly taught. In some parts of the worlds, six year olds literally build fires and cook dinners on them, take care of infants, and do housework, go swimming by themselves.

The biggest reason I'm sick of this shit, is that my parenting generation is constantly being told that we are coddling a bunch of dependent future idiots. But here is fucking society forcing us to coddle or risk having our kids removed from the home.

This comment assumes that the children in question hadn't demonstrated their level of maturity to the parents previously, at which point they were given the freedom to walk home alone. By the evidence provided in this article, the parents knew what they were doing: they'd evaluated the potential risks the children

I'm a teacher in Philly. The level of abuse that occurs to some children and they are left in those homes is just astounding!!!!! Maybe when we report the neglect, physical and sexual abuse we should mention that they also walk home alone. Maybe that'll get some fucking results.

What baffles me is how difficult it is to get kids out of abusive homes, and they go around threatening for this? They have WAAAAY better things to be doing.

Navigating early adulthood is hard. I can't help but think that what is described in that email would only make it harder.

I would honestly rather have my fingernails pulled than be subject to this level of personal management. Given the choice between Hell or being a member of a sorority I would choose Hell in an instant, unless Hell is actually one huge sorority where it is rush week all the time.

I think all most jokes sort of fall apart when examined to this extent, regardless of whether they were funny in the first place.

you're not very good at comedy.

Honestly? It was funny but not a burst out laughing funny. The fact that they made the joke deserved the quiet reverence it received. It was a nod, an acknowledgement. A'We didn't forget you, we won't forget you. You're not getting out of this that easily.

Bullshit, If Tina and Amy were really courageous, they would have read out the name of every one of the complainants who've come forward publicly then said this —

Yes, because the Golden Globes has no commercials, sponsors or network responsibilities. I'm sure you were being flippant, but even if they had gone rogue and just done it without telling anyone ahead of time, they wouldn't have even made it through one name on their list before the network yanked their feed. Till

is this an actual comment, or are you having a stroke?

What makes you think this person gets invited to parties?

Dear lord you must be a blast at parties

Right but it was a clever way to get their Cosby slams into the opening monologue while still seeming somewhat related to the show. Like no one would expect going from Into the Woods to Cosby. That's why it worked.

I get what you're saying but I think, in this case, Sleeping Beauty feels like a stand-in metaphor for womanhood or innocence or dreams or whatever you want to call it. I mean, the joke is a reminder that there's ugliness underneath the fairy tale. If we think about how many of the survivors who have come forward to

The joke was "In Into The Woods, Cinderella runs from her prince, Rapunzel gets throw from a tower for her prince, and Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby." It's a joke that calls out the shitty treatment of women in the play, and the shitty treatment of women by Bill Cosby. Bill