
In my experiences a lot of those savings are family money. My roommate for awhile was an American ballerina in Europe and her grandmother came to see her dance in a production. She was so happy because she said it was such a long trop for her grandmother. I already knew she was upper class but I inncocently said,

But it's not just about having the money to GO-you also have to be able to afford to take off work and stuff and still be able to pay your bills back home. Most jobs aren't just gonna let you take off weeks at a time, and even if they do, you still have to have enough saved not just for the trip but to pay your rent

Yeah, friends of mine are planning a Europe trip this summer. Personally, I'm up to my neck in student loans and can't afford to miss work. I asked her how she's affording it and she looked at me like I was crazy. "With my savings, of course!" she replied. Thinking she was joking, I laughed and said, "No, really."

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think it's shitty and unacceptable for anyone to leave their kids behind.

Sometimes I really wish I could just quit my job, cash in my 401(k), empty my bank accounts and just PEACE OUT. Go to different places, pretend to be different people. I know I can't. I have my parents to take care of, I have obligations and responsibilities.

I am reading all the reasons and they make sense, but my brain is just like, "does not compute."

I've never liked him. He's a loud-mouth who constantly thinks he's the smartest person in the room. He's always been a cruel asshole, it's just that now more people are waking up to it. Even when he makes a good point, you have to weigh it against all the horrible shit he says.

Oh wow. She must feel so overwhelmed. Most people I know with kids spent months preparing for them, mentally and physically and this lady gets an hour. I hope she has some help and support.

I want to be angry about this but the high schooler in me is like "why wasn't this a thing when my face broke out the night before picture day"

Reminds me of Holy Ghost Baby.

I hear that all the time, that people will die waiting to see a doctor in countries with universal healthcare. HA. Ok, in the meantime, when I was dealing with serious GI problems, it would take 3 to 4 months to see a gastroenterologist. Even for a follow up to go over test results! If I want to see a dermatologist?

One of the arguments in the US for the longest time was long waits to see doctors in countries like Canada & the UK. "Are you prepared to wait months to see your doctor?" It's a ludicrous argument because I already have to wait months to see a doctor (I recently tried to set up a check-up with a general practitioner

As an American living in the UK, I want to tell all Americans - IT'S FUCKING AMAZING!!!

Didn't they say their high school was majority black? Just saying that it seems like Jay was probably not necessarily a "black person who operates in white spaces." Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know the neighborhood

Am I missing something? Is the Today Show some kind of tough-question-asking, hard-hitting, deliverer of raw truths? I always thought it was just some dumb morning show where celebrities talked about their favorite recipes to make at home before plugging their new bullshit.

I don't mean to take any thunder away from Zeb, but if you live in Western NY and are looking for an amazing lap cat who loves being held like a baby, I have a cat for you. Phantom is a homeless cat who showed up on my doorstep about 3 weeks ago. Long story short he only has a few teeth, he has a crumpled ear-the vet

Right-o. Though if you told me she was the spawn of Leonardo DiCaprio, I'd believe that too. Same wide-set eyes, nose, and definitely the hair!

I'm having a hard time being outraged by this. Yes, logically, the kids' spoiled attitudes are likely a result of their upbringing, but at the same time kids are willful little things, and even if you don't spoil the crap out of them, maybe Timmy down the street has parents that do, and they pick up on that. Also, it

For real. Almost exact image of Angelina, with Brad's eyes.

Whatever gender Shiloh ends up most comfortable in, that child is going to be staggeringly good looking.