
I love your beatuful mind. This fantasy is glorious.

Absolutely. My UU church has it on their website. I’m atheist too.

I took advantage of election rage fuel and cleaned out 7 years of overgrown brush and vines in my backyard. I highly recommend!

We had practically no Hillary signs in my city and tons of Trump. HRC won my county. Signs are not a reliable measure of anything except retired old guys with time on their hands.

I never had an opinion on Theroux but I’m decidedly meh on Anniston. This friendship revelation makes me like both of them better. Good enough for Amy = good enough for me!

Hmm, really?

Oh gosh, who is the Scot???

I proudly wear my Public Radio Nerd shirt. There would be a huge hole in my life without public radio and podcasts. A lot of us see its value.

Thank you, Internet stranger! I'm glad to hear this is probably the right approach.

Omg!! This is going on my bucket list!

Still think so? (I'm talking about that amazing smile)

I always question how safe it is to put your initials on your car. Seems like a really bad idea.

Same! None of that for me and I avoid grown ass women that collect that shit.

Oh gawd, fhat’s so gross. We can see you, Donald!

According to James Corden, no. Not anymore for late night. YouTube views are an important metric now too.

Omg me too. He's so punchable.

Gavin and Stacy is one of my favorite shows ever! I think he’s super talented.

Don’t forget the giant clock over the mantel... Every damn house.

Oh he was joking! Can’t you libs get a sense of humor??