
I thought of this quote immediately too. You could hear the mocking in his voice as he said it. And the crowd cheered of course. smdh

I'm American and feel the same way.

It might have been true tho. My son ate all sorts of veggies as a toddler that he won’t touch now (age 6). Like, sweet potatoes and lentils with greens.

Yes, but better than Veronica Mars, IMO.

I don’t think the writers changed direction with Major’s character. They intended for him to be bland and annoyingly perfect in the beginning to make his fall that much more interesting. His name is Major Lilywhite for goodness sakes.

I like Major! Mr. Perfect is going off the rails.

Yes, to the Guardian and sometimes The Atlantic.

I’m late to this convo but wanted you to know this made me lol and was a nice break in my crappy morning. So thanks!

Omg. I've never experienced more than a few inches of snow at a time. Mind = blown.

This was my thought too. He's too young to understand this "lesson" anyway! Telling him he'll be "sold into sexual slavery"??? Like he had any clue what that means. Horrible, horrible people.

I hear you. We only recently can afford it and that's largely because we live in a dinky house with thrift store furniture. :) (and we're happy with it. )

from your mouth to gawd's ears. Natl. healthcare is the answer.

thanks for the link! Very interesting comparison to the American drive to do more, more, more. I think this is the key: Because of part-time work, Dutch women are able to develop themselves and their relationships in ways many of us simply don't have the time for. I want time to be with my kids after school, cook a

I work for a tech company with many employees working remotely. They claim to be flexible and progressive to compete with similar companies for talent, but working part-time seems to be off the table. I am a longtime, senior level employee who has asked repeatedly for years to work 32 hours and it goes nowhere. I've

I had an FIV cat live until he 17. When he was diagnosed, the vet tech assumed I would put him down. He lived 6 years after diagnosis with almost no issues.

how can I watch this legally without cable? Does hulu carry Starz shows?

As a huge fan of both, it makes perfect sense to me.

yes, that's exactly how I interpreted it too. Controlled on the outside/losing her shit on the inside

I saw this apartment in the Small Cool contest. I feel like my internet worlds are colliding.

just stop. You clearly don't have have family with mental illness. The judge is right to do this.