
Yes, Obama caused climate change.

Totally agree. I usually love her look, but not this time.

Ooh, perfect combo!

Me too. I know of way too many convenient "miscarriages" with these types.

It does? Okay, I feel dumb because I don't get it.

You are a terrible mother. How can you LIE like that??

My son just turned 3 and I find there is a lot more coaxing and effort required to get him to cooperate than when he was 2. While I agree "lying" feels wrong, sometimes it's the only thing that works. Do you consider lies of omission bad? Sometimes there's just not enough time In the day to explain things to a toddler

Truly. I will be using this starting tomorrow.

Okay, I'm getting kinda scared. I bite my nails, sure, but after reading the comments i'm realizing i do a lot of other twitchy things I didn't think much of before. I must be a total basket case!

Ha! ME TOO!!!

This response makes me wonder how old you are. I'm bumping up on 40 and had a child and I can assure you that skin does not "pop back" no matter what your regimen is.

You're not the only one.

I'm in a similar situation. People have no idea how hard this is.

Dolphins?! Wow. Thanks.

Exactly. I have an easy toddler yet I see the humor in all this and can relate.

Omg, can't stop giggling

Animals rape people????? What? Is this true?! Not gonna google that one.

The suits look ill-fitting and cheap.

Hey, these are great links. Thanks!

I bet you're one of those people without children that thinks you shouldnt pay taxes for schools too, right?