
Agreed. Check out the forums on The majority of the moms are "no vax" and I don't get the feeling that many of them are rich.

Yes, you do.

I don't see it but Bradley Cooper skeeves me out.

Me too. I don't get it. I like his message, but do not find him sexy at all.

I live in the south so I know lots of socially liberal pro-choice women who vote republican every d*mn time. This is just my theory, but I think they feel secure that the Dems will always block any attempts to outlaw abortion. I've tried to point out that abortion rights are very much in danger but these women just

Yep. Well put. I'm in favor of legalization too but it's probably not in my top 10 of voting issues.

Honestly, I was just so happy to someone in Hollywood that looks happy with their normal post partum body that I ignored Lindy's snark. I think she was paying Faris the opposite of a back handed compliment— whatever you would call that—and it came across badly.

Yes, they're in a different time zone and probably had to get up extra early on top of that. It was a bad idea all around but I felt for the parents They just wanted to show off their sweet baby girls.

This didn't happen in Charlotte. The bar is in SC.

I've found my clan. I still swoon over Paul Newman.

Yes! Paul Newman is still the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

STOKED! It's a great idea.

I got up at night to pump for a few months and the lack of sleep nearly killed me. I was dead set on him being "exclusively" breastfed but I could not pump enough while I was at work so I had to add in the extra session at night during his long stretch of sleep. I wish I could somehow go back in time and tell that me

This made my day. Thanks!

YES. I was starting to feel like I was reading bizarro-Jezebel.

Same for me. I debated waiting so it would be covered by the Affordable Care Act but I thought it might be overturned. Hopefully we can get our next one for free!

The anecdotes I read online about IUD experiences never match those I've heard IRL. My insertion was just not that bad (I've had a baby) and I know several other women with IUDs and none have had these horrible experiences. I am not doubting anyone's experience, I promise. I just think maybe those who have a bad

Is this tip for an older child or would it work for a toddler learning to sleep in a real bed (not crib) for the the first time?

Okay, this made guffaw

Oh, good for youuuuuuuuuuuu!!