
Also if you are an approved commenter, PLEASE be cautious about responding to trolls. The second you pull them up some asshole is going to dominate the main conversation. I know it's fun, but you have the power. Use it for good.

Nobody ever said all men are rapists. You specifically are being criticized for accusing us of being too sensitive. You are getting side eyed for equating constant rape gifs with the trash talk you find in any comment section. You are in effect siding with those who harass and threaten women by gaslighting us

Callie, I agree completely with your comment. If you see this reply, I hope I express myself well. My initial reaction seeing the words "it's so much harder to exist as a woman on the internet" is to recoil. This is partly a more general reaction, I think, to "it's so much harder to exist [in space x] as [member of

It would just be nice to have a place to discuss things with folks around the world without having to look at rape porn, quite frankly. Where else do we go, but the internet? There are no safe sites, really. It's such a big discussion medium saying "maybe the internet is just not for you" is like saying, "oh, all

You wouldn't last five minutes as a woman. Seriously, if you're a man, you have *never been targeted in this way*, you may have seen some nasty stuff and called a name or two, but have you been barraged with it? For months or years? Have you been threatened with rape/had people fantasising about raping you on the

No. Just no. The "if you can't handle it, leave" is never, ever the correct response on dealing with abuse. Aside from dismissing the concerns of the people bothered, it also quickly results in a race to the bottom for the abuse until no one wants to go there any more, easily offended or not. I've been online since

I don't understand your point. Because it's a "basic method" of trolling, it's... not something to be concerned about?

It's images of violence against women that are being posted in response to articles written by and/or about women. Men are not targeted in this way. It's not general trolling, it's all about being abusive to women anonymously.

No, that was me, too. I had it on Saturday. It's also a dumbass point — we're allowed to post both serious and goofy stuff on the same website, and anyone who doesn't think either has a space here doesn't have an opinion worth consideration.

If only we published Serious Lady Content instead of all these sloppy, whorish stories! If only we had a panel of Concerned Men who could tell us what is/isn't acceptable to post. That would keep us protected. For our own good, of course.

Technically it's correct because TIME says so?

"She also changes stereotypical perceptions about women"-

I don't know man, everyone else seems to have managed to keep up...

Someone in charge of a military that can bomb nations is obviously more influential than a pop singer. It's shocking that you actually believe otherwise.

Okay, please post exactly all this every time some article is posted here about Beyonce. Outside of 'she's a great singer, I enjoy her albums', nothing else should be said about her. I'm not sure why people act like she is amazing or incredible or so important. She's just another pop singer. There have been many,

See, but that's where I disagree. When Bey and J got together, she was letting her mom dress her up in those tacky getups (remember House of Dereon?) and was starting her solo career. Jay was known for being a player.

No, it's not that I think it's just business, like if one was bearding for the other, or if they were using each other for political or social climbing purposes. (Though I think even in those cases, there can be affection and friendship). I think they love each other and are great friends and probably hot for each

This BW can tell you that Time lost credibility many years ago, well before the Beyonce issue. IMO before Beyonce was even famous.

I agree with this 10000%. I think its been a real relationship with love, etc. but as of late, is more focused on the business/financial aspect. And note to all - EVERY marriage is a business relationship/agreement. That is not ALL that it is, but that is one of the many things that it is. This doesn't just apply to

You do realize I am sitting at my desk at work literally laughing out loud hysterically at that, which is what my post is referencing here?