
:D I don't think your future SO's going to have trouble getting you to communicate.

Nope, hit the link, started scrolling from the top till I couldn't take it any more. All sorts of stuff about how she'd committed the sin of not enough sex and how they'd feel all kinds of explosive/horrible if subjected to same; how she'd better resolve things quick with MOAR SEX; how maybe the guy could've done this

All the dudes who keep defending him keep missing that part. There isn't one of them who hasn't missed it.

OR, he could have documented these times for his own purposes and never showed it to her, then said, "Hey, I've noticed you say you don't want sex because you feel sweaty and gross a lot. What can I do to let you know I desire you and make you feel less gross?" or "You've said before that you don't want to have sex

Oh, honey. Marriage does not work that way. Life doesn't work that way. Stop expecting it to. Seriously.


If you have to work on the assumption that he tried to be reasonable first, then sure, maybe this guy isn't a complete dickhead. But it interests me that you'd rather make an assumption in his favour than in hers.

What an odd assumption.

Not if he's running off to log his complaints in a handy dandy spreadsheet to pull out (ha!) at the most opportune time and then not talk to his wife about it when she calls back to discuss it.

I most certainly did. He failed to understand that, too, and just kept being a bitch, whiny, entitled, abusive prick. Buh-bye. Luckily, I live in state with no alimony so I didn't have to pay him off (I earned twice what he did). Kept his filthy hands out of my retirement, too.

This feels appropriate

I think the important part is that its been posted to Gawker and we are all discussing what they could've done better.

My ex-husband could have drafted that. The real reason for no sex? I didn't like him anymore. At all. I don't think he ever understood that.

Yup. I especially like the detail of calling her reasons "excuses", as if he thinks that she has no legitimate reason to not have sex with him whenever he wants to.

Maybe the guy should have filled out the "excuse" column during the times that she said yes instead of leaving them blank so he could go back as reference for the reasons that made her say yes in the first place. He should probably quit asking for sex so damn much. The dude asks her pretty much every other day for

Yes. Exactly how does he think she'll react to this? This is more about making a point than actually trying to fix anything.

He sent this horribly cold and weirdly obsessive spreadsheet to his wife to complain about a lack of sex. Bad move.

My advice to her: Fuck that guy.

I'm sure this is really going to make her wanna fuck him more. Great job!

I kept a mental spreadsheet similar to this. I would not have ever actually sent it to my wife, though.