
The article is about how a dangerous new genre of porn is threatening the health and safety of porn actresses. It is not advocating this act or saying it is a good thing, rather the exact opposite. Nor does he mock people who engage in it. He is pointing to the porn industry for this problem, defending porn actors.

"I used to fix prolapsed monkey rectums when I worked at a primate breeding facility."

I think the trend the fashion peeps are trying to force on us is "my body is so fabulous and young it needs no support anywhere".

I am atheist, and I've never done that. I've also never seen another atheist or agnostic do that. However, it is perfectly ok for believers to mention god, church, prayer, or whatever, whenever and however much they want. We are simply expected to never ever ever ever mention it, and if we're given permission to

Since it seems like most believers on this site have decided that only the few atheists they happen to have relationships with are polite and respectful, I'm going to decide that only the Christians I have relationships with are polite and respectful, and all the others are just like the Westboro bunch. It's a

Again, what person in their 20's thinks "oh, I should write a will now" unless they're facing a serious illness. Now women will HAVE to think about that early if they life in Louisiana but its still bullshit. Its not a common thing. I'm 28 and to the best of my knowledge, none of my friends have wills. That's normal

sounds like a bit of a fib to me

I find agnostics to be cowardly when it really comes down to it. I ask them, are you agnostic when it comes to Zeus? Thor? The dozens of Hindu gods that hundreds of millions of people believe exist? Are you saying there's a 50-50 chance that all those exist? Or are you only agnostic to the current popular god in the

This is the government intruding on private matters. You should be alarmed.

Why 20 weeks, bro? A fetus is a human life and ending its capacity to grow is murder, unless it's less than 20 weeks old, in which case, it's a whole other story? The anti-abortion people that bother me the most are the ones who are inconsistent. If you think abortion is murder, and a fetus has the exact same rights

I have considered it, rather a lot. My personal opinion is that Vice didn't intend it as art, but even if it was intended as such, it was not done very well.

Let me guess, are you the type that thinks that people younger than 18 cannot have an actual mental illness? Am I reading your response correctly? Here are some keys facts from the NIH: Approximately 12 million children under the age of 18 have mental disorders; Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15- to

The way in which we present things matters just as much what we present. I fully recognize that magazine express ideas, and while it might not be the ideal context, I think these images would be fine in the very same magazine if they were presented as art, perhaps with more detailed information about the women they

I can't remember who said it: "Nothing is so tragic as the death of a beautiful woman."

I usually think that Jezebel is on point, but I think this is the kind of over sensitive reactionary missing the point that gives otherwise enlightened folks a bad rap as anti-intellectual, humorless, politically correct police.

I just wrote a comment saying exactly this. Really, if this were in an art gallery, even with the clothing credits, we would be talking more about the taboo of discussing suicide, the glamorization of the tortured artist, women's bodies as disposable commodities, how women, especially, react to the pressures of

I think part of the OPs point is that the idolization of a lot of these women is so heavily coupled with the idolization of their "tragic/romantic" suicidal deaths. A girl hardly knows about Sylvia Plath and Virginia Wolfe before they learn that they killed themselves, and somehow their suicides seem to add more

That's exactly my feelings on this. If they were in a gallery and the artist was trying to convey something meaningful, then I wouldn't have a problem with the portraits. They make me wonder what was going through their minds when they made the choice to commit suicide and they make me want to cry because I've been

The thing is, in a purely artistic context these could be incredibly moving (if painful) portraits. Some of the photos are really striking. But the problem is putting them in a medium that is used to glamorize and sell a look and a lifestyle, and trying to glamorize and sell suicide is disgusting and trivializes a