
Wow, that's really sad. :(

Agree. It feels very paternalistic actually.

Same and same.

As someone that has struggled with my own suicidial attempts and ideations, I agree with you.

I also have the same experience and response to this. Just because I've had and do have mental illness, and have attempted suicide multiple times, does not make me a fragile flower. I don't think the venue is the best, but I'm sick of not talking about this altogether as a culture.

I said something similar. Long story, really fucking short, suicide has been a major theme in my life. The fact that it is so goddamn taboo, is isolating, which furthers my depression. Yes, this isn't a great venue to discuss mental illness, but show me where it's being talked about in any real and actual way?!

yeah, wth, what happened to this being a feminist site? I say work with what your mama gave you.

I'm so sorry for your lost. Suicide has been a reality in my life, outside my immediate family. My sister and I have both had multiple attempts. I agree, that this pictures are in bad taste given the context. However, I HATE that suicide is such a taboo. I think it almost fetishizes it, to some. I don't know what

sorry writing a bit under the influence. I just wanted to add, I think it is worth examining why many women that struggle with mental illness turn the violence internally vs externally.

I already posted, but as someone that struggles with mental illness daily, and has death with family suicides and my own suicide attempts, I don't think you're a horrible person at all. I'm undecided about this fashion spread, but I really like the idea of exploring why creative and smart women are driven to these

Yeah that was an undeserved nasty comment. I have mental illness, and have had suicidal ideation and your post didn't offend me in the least.

I think you make a good point. I see why people have issues with this, but like you said, it is also nice to feel like people like us even exist? That mental illness shouldn't just be brought up when someone shoots up a school, and why so often, such brilliant and talents minds get pushed to this level.

Omg whaaaat.

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm so sorry. You are amazingly strong. Your story made me cry.

You took the words right out of my mouth! I really hate when people use the term "lifestyle". It's not choosing to be a fucking vegan or gluten free, its who they are! Ugh, it is maddening.

yeah, explorer?! Wtf.

I posted something as well. I'm totally in agreement with you! This isn't the only test to evaluate a movie, but I do think it is quite interesting and telling of the state of affairs in Hollywood.

I think what is being argued here, isn't that women are in roles, but are they in fully actualized roles. Oftentimes, a woman's character is just to play a support to a man, love interest, sympathetic ear, temptress etc.

Totally it's the common practice of a white person, is seen as an individual and a minority is a representative of their race. Every race has assholes, period.

Totally agree. I've struggled with depression, substances abuse, and an eating disorder. I have confided this to a small group of people. The men I have confided to label me with crazy or weak. I probably wouldn't have made it without the non-judgemental love and support from my female friends. I understand this is