
What?! You're doubling down on your ridiculousness. I am half Korean, and I grew up in going to an all. Korean church. It is exceedingly rare to see non-straight hair.

I hope this doesn't come across wrong. I honestly had no idea this was the case! I really appreciate the insight. I'm somewhat embarrassed that I didn't know any of this. I'm half Asian and I complain about my stick straight hair, that won't hold curls. But of course being woman and all no one is totally satisfied

Hey, it sounds like we have the same mom, because she'd say the same shit to me. I'm sorry for what you've been through. It's so hard when it's your mom that's the abusive one, because people either think you're exaggerating or don't believe you at all. And you're right, I wrote this when I was feeling very low, there

Thank you all for the kind words. I'm just tired. Tired of not bring good enough. I'm in my thirties and it seems everyone has their shit together. Even more hurtful is that my mom uses this as s prime example to prove I'm not loveable. I know I should ignore it, but it's hard.

Thank you that's so sweet. It's just hard to realize you're love able when your family told you you're not

So this will probably languish in the greys. My bf broke up with me today, and I was BLINDSIDED. I'm devastated. I don't know why I'm so unloveable, I mean my mom didn't love me. I really thought we had a future together. I'm seriously contemplated ending it. I'm so tired. Maybe will see this and cares, and if not I

I remember your post from last week, and I'm crying now because I'm so goddamn proud that you got out. You've already demonstrated amazing courage. I've never been in an abusive relationship, but I wanted to share an experience with you. About four years ago, I was suicidial. I truly felt that me not being around with

Well, and thanks for calling 30 old, buddy!

Well, and thanks for calling 30 old, buddy!

Warning pointless comment forthcoming: I'm genuinely shocked I'm older than you!!!

I look young for my age. Years ago a guy hit on me at the mall and asked how old I was, I said 22, and he said oh, too bad I thought you were like 14 or 15. He must've been mid forties. Ewwww.

Aww thank you for your kind words. I don't know if I was hitting the sauce when I wrote that comment, but I used the word "borned", and I'm deeply ashamed, ha.

Yeah, I don't want to play the oppression Olympics, but it was rough. Koreans are a very closed off society. My entire moms side is still in Korea, and that's where my sister was borned, but I never belonged because I looked too white. I spoke Korean fluently but everyone started making fun of my accent and now, while

I don't know if your wife is first generation, but to be frank, it was hard growing up half white and half Asian. My mom is very traditional and there was just tons of culture crash. I know exactly what you're talking about with that sentiment, and it really is disappointing when a lot of people here are so openminded

Oops! Sorry it was unclear. I was referring to the celebrities that go on an anti-Semitic tirade. Although I do think it refers to any anti-Semite.

Preach, sister!

I've always dated fit dudes over six feet, and didn't think that would ever change. Now with a guy that is 5'6" with a gut, hands down the best sex I've ever had. And size is not correlated with height.

Wow, that was sad and painful.

Wow, that was sad and painful.

Bitch, he's mine.