
"Will religious employers eventually be able to refuse to cover pregnancies for unmarried women?"

Well that's the natural conclusion of this "logic", yes.

Only magical pregnancies will be covered.

Of course not. They'll just find an excuse to fire them "for cause". Two minutes late because she had to change her shirt after a bought of particularly bad morning sickness? FIRED!

It should be noted that I wrote this piece as I sat one row behind Madeleine Albright on a train from NYC to DC today so I was especially inspired.

Jehovah's Witnesses to not believe in blood transfusions.

You'e not gonna get it, no matter how many people break it down for you.


Lady I'm not asking you to defend your extremely obvious attempts at derailing an important conversation, we've all had plenty of your self-serving justifications already.

I understood it, and I'm white. Must have POC chromosomes in me somewhere.

I had no trouble reading the article either. The writer made a stylistic choice that perhaps isn't a good fit for Jezebel, which, as comment threads always make abundantly clear, has an overwhelmingly white, middle to upper middle class readership. Those who have actually read more than one or two authors of color

Dang, if my one lil wee observation about the inappropriateness of your white lady friend using her poc friend's perspective to qualify her own perspective on an issue concerning race has you running for the hills, then by all means get to running.

It's funny, every time I read an article on Gawker or Jezebel where a black writer touches on a the subject of race or any other touchy subject, white readers are always complaining about how they don't understand the article, or the grammar was bad or some other petty shit that has nothing to do with the point of the

Actually no women are allowed to say "Men see women as objects of pleasure" and it's a given we're not talking about individual men but how they exist in systems of patriarchy and male supremacy. I will NOT modify my words to make simpletons and oppressors feel more comfortable. Fuck that.

Stop replying to me with

"I've always wondered why all the resentment from that period of time is still present in modern USA"

I get this.

People are very into this idea that if they didn't mean for the racist thing they did to be racist, that ameliorates it. I'm not sure why.

Could someone on Jezebel do a post on the fundraiser someone on Gawker started for this young woman? It seriously needs a signal boost.

Sweet dreams are made of cheese - who am I to dis a Brie?