
I'm still waiting for an article like this one on the USA soldiers, they do the fucking same thing. So I wonder why we never talk about it.

this response is the best. agreed!!!

Absolutely fair enough. We've all got to put our energy into where we feel it needs to go, and there's never enough to go all the way around. Please accept my apologies for my poor phrasing. It really did read as getting my man-splain on. Who the hell needs more of that in their inbox?

Excuse me. The proper pronunciation is Igloo Australia.

Meh. Still don't care about Iggy Azalea. I wouldn't mind seeing her brought down. It's always nice to see someone as oblivious and ignorant like her burn down to the ground. This is a woman who thinks she's in the spotlight because she's a good rapper and not because she happens to be a mildly attractive White woman

I thought about this the other day! No follow-up, no counterpoint from one of the many whipsmart writers who offered a critique ...

Although Prince Harry might want to spend an afternoon on Wikipedia, refreshing himself on his country's long and bloody history of imperialism,

So George Stephanopoulos is the interviewer Wilson handpicked to tell his side of things? I will not forget that, ABC.

Replying so that this goes up higher..

What the ever loving f*ck is wrong with these cops?!?!

You are correct. All story leads must include how this should affect your fantasy football picks. The disturbing part if that fantasy football is sports betting. But ESPN would never announce how an injury would mess with the over/under line.

I was really impressed with the reporting in that article. I read it yesterday and then stepped away from the Internet to bury my head in the proverbial sand. The last victim who had the courage and social standing to come forward saved how many women from this monster.

Thank you for sharing this, even though it was a very unpleasant read! I feel so lucky to have a little kitten I can go snuggle with now.

I read it too. I appreciated they tried to balance both sides, and he is so obviously guilty.

Yes, I read this article yesterday and it made me so uneasy. The only reason he got caught was because the last woman he assaulted was not like the others (i.e she was middle class and knew to report it).

I'm Molly from the article (and from the Jezebel article "I Help Desperate Women, And I Could Go To Jail For It). If you need information about how to obtain or use these pills, contact me at

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

Why can't a cartoon monkey, be just that, a cartoon monkey?