
We already knew he was abused. Now we know he was raped. An STILL, it's cool to hate him with impunity, with no caveats for circumstance. It's not cool, and it is clearly racially based at this point. It's ticking me off. Even more so because now I'm fucking defending Chris Brown.

Chris Brown has a singular talent for making it impossible to sympathize with him even if he’s recounting a vaguely traumatic incident from his childhood. You know, like that time he lost his virginity to teenage girl. When he was eight.

Your ancestors were losers, deal with it.

Oh, it's an appropriation-off!

Gerrymandered out of relevance:…

All you need to know is that Democrats received the majority of votes for the House of Representatives in 2012. Yet there are more Republican representatives than Democratic ones. Cracking and packing: it works.

Ah, that makes sense—thanks for the explanation!

Yeah, that she's not bothered that he went on a victory tour after killing a kid, but that she didn't get to go along. They can both take a long walk off a short pier, AFAIC.

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.

PocProblems on Tumblr said it best:

""I'm from one of the wealthiest counties in America," she says. "I know what I am. But I also know what I like to listen to. Look at any 20-year-old white girl right now – that's what they're listening to at the club. It's 2013. The gays are getting married, we're all collaborating. I would never think about the

while I agree the NRA is way too extreme the fact remains that without them we'd be an unarmed population with no real means to keep the government at least remotely honest.

Snap Poll:

How many of you originally thought the man was the groom?

I did.

I'm cool with her selling the tickets. Personally I think that was a really light punishment and it should have been worse, and I say that as a trollop who regularly ran off to a guy's house to dry hump and make out.

I actually respect the mom for laying the hammer down and selling the tickets. I don't respect her airing her daughter's dirty laundry in public like that.

Twerking has been here for over 20 years. It's not going away. Sorry n shit.

Muslim feminists should be the leaders of their own movement, not well meaning Western women who insist they what's best.

I would ignore Willa.

The problem is that people taking vacations and writing self-aggrandizing books with white savior narratives is part of what morally justified and enabled colonialism in the first place.

I also believe that a lot of white women need saving too, mostly from blatant ignorance, but I digress.

*Transposes sentiments to western women trying to "save" Muslim women from their oppression*