

Wanted: One PayPig who gets super turned on paying student loans. Fuck, I will set you up a scavenger hunt every month if that's what you're looking for.

I hesitate to say this because I'll admit I'm having fun perusing her blog posts but c'mon, I kind of want to say "pick on someone your own size", Jezebel. Aren't there more interesting and challenging things to write about than "hahaha look at the uber Christian Mom and her wannabe hip neo-conservative parenting

You know, teenage girls post pretty dumb photos on the internet sometimes, but it's clear that they don't intend those photos to be scrutinized at family dinner tables and described in detail on blogs. Yes, they put those photos on social media, but clearly they mean them for their friends, etc.

Uh, that's something a lot of people say about people they love, it doesn't mean they "exist just to prop you up." They are capable of existing and supporting you.

I don't think any kids should go without a meal. I have forgotten to provide money to my kid twice in 8 years (more likely she's forgotten to give me the envelope they send home but regardless, it's not a poverty issue and someone forgot). They fed my child a peanut butter sandwhich and shamed her in front of the

Can you tell me how on earth one might tell the difference between someone who forgot to pay a bill and someone who couldn't afford to pay a bill??? And why the solution to that should be to humiliate and starve a child, as well as waste food?

YES. I cannot actually believe that any human being would ACTUALLY SUGGEST NEEDLESSLY LETTING CHILDREN GO HUNGRY TO PUNISH THEIR PARENTS. He must be some kind of professional Republican troll or something, otherwise I think I have to reevaluate my most basic convictions about humanity.

Hell no this bitch is not trying to put that shit on Texas.

Bad person, hell—you're my frickin' hero!

No, I particularly love that you did it with your purse.

You are a bad bitch. Love love love.


When she declined to talk to him, he should have grown manned up and walked away quietly.

He chose to commit a misdemeanor sexual assault instead (presumably because he's an asshole), and she had every right to defend herself with a reasonable level of force.

So did it hurt when she hit you with that purse?

You're a fine person. I always curse men out or slap them for that.


He is.

His misdemeanor sexual assault (that's what grabbing a woman's ass without her consent is in New York State) negated any further need for politeness on your part, and also was sufficient provocation for you to hit him about the head area with your purse. A kick to the nuts would have also been warranted in

Been wanting to tell Jez this story, and this is sort of related so here's my chance...

So, I walk to get my lunch everyday. And I get catcalled and honked at a lot. On Tuesday, I was taking my daily walk and of course, got honked at. I was in a particularly bad mood so I mean mugged and flipped the guy off... who I

If a woman was following a man around, harassing him, physically intimidating him, trying to force herself on him, I'd be fine with him standing up for himself. Women can be perpetrators of sexual violence, too. Don't jump to conclusions, little troll.