Not A Monster

Seriously, good for her. It is super super hard to get out of a cult and to not only do that but then talk about it publicly is a giant fuck you. Nicely done Leah.

Sweet Monkey Jesus.

If you’re being hired to, among other things, kiss people on the mouth on camera, it seems like a reasonable question.


Nah. I get the point she’s trying to get across. A weed brain and an ice cream cone (what the actual fuck??) isn’t tacky according to Dan, but he gets to decide her daughter’s name on her neck is. Right. Got it.

There’s just something about working in school administration that not only sucks away any ability to use common sense or seek reasonable solutions, it also sucks away any ability to think “Hmmm, maybe, just maybe, this might look bad to someone reading about it in a newspaper or on the web.”

Fuck fired, he needs to be charged criminally. This isn’t going stop unless we start charging malicious false arrests as what they are. Dude is a kidnapper.

Actually it’s about ethics in games journalism.

“The list is pretty short. And very major.”

Would Slutty Hitler Bo Peep help?

No, it’s real.

Consenting adults? A’ight then. You do you.

Are you actually making the argument that a woman in an evening gown and flat shoes is roughly equivalent to a sloppy man in board shorts and a muscle tank? Because if so, then you need to go back to the drawing board and find a new thought.

On the down side, this seems pretty sexist.

Having a lovely old sob at that. Stuff like this makes me feel like our species might just be okay in the end, you know?

Now playing

Based on the polls, the referendum will definitely pass, as long as everyone who says they’ll vote yes does so. (After last week’s British election stunner, this is hardly a sure thing.)

I would gladly wait 3-6 months longer for a good game made under more humane conditions than get a rushed bug ridden game where everyone worked 80 hours for weeks on end


I would like to go on record as saying I would watch the heck out of a Baz Luhrmann Blade Runner musical.

“Baz Luhrmann’s musical remake of Blade Runner”