Not A Monster

That's because you're thinking like a human being. You need to put yourself in the mindset of a short-term-profit-maximizing sociopath. Actually, even then, it seems pretty silly.

Also, shouldn't we be able to punish them in some way for that sign claiming to be the original chicken sandwich? Can they prove that no one ever ate a chicken sandwich until Chick-Fil-A came along?

I suspect you could make a convincing argument for artistic impression. You would have to make that argument because yes, they would sue you.

Eat Mor Corprat Bulees

I cannot, CANNOT fathom what Chick Fil-a's beef (heh) with this is. The company is not their competition, is not creating any sort of brand confusion.

Do you think they'd sue me if I made a t-shirt that said "EAT LES CHIKIN" and maybe one of those circles with a line through it over the Chick-fil-A logo?

I honestly think Warner Bros of all people has the right take on the debate

OMG one of them totally said mi lady.

If Disney World did this, they'd lose most of their yearly revenue.

I think I could sit and listen to her tell stories forever. She radiates happiness.

Dustin Hoffman cock blocked Jack Nicholson!!

oh, give it up already. Don't listen to her and you won't be so tired.

The company would send messages to users from these fake profiles, and members were unable to respond to the unless they signed up and paid for the service.

I would call her more of a "stalker" than a "date."

Why if I didn't know better, I'd suspect that Komen pretty much just exists to give big corporations some good press and a tax write-off.

New-born babies = WTF do you want with me? Now you're free! Bootstraps! Get off My Lawn!

I made a Team Alice shirt to wear to the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 1. She's my favorite character.

It would put a lot of pressure on the NFL by their broadcasting partners, who are going to want to be able to, you know, broadcast the team name. So fine by me.

"Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the first "Twilight" movie; the film producer Cathy Schulman; and Jennifer Lee, who co-directed "Frozen."